Trying to see how much I can get in under the wire! One more week to go!
1. Get a new job and move. No progress.
STEP 4 Do application to PR program
2. Make my own postcards. No progress
STEP 1: identify 5 photos I would like to use on the cards
3: decide on the size of the card
STEP 4: design the template for the back of the card
STEP 5: choose a printer or buy paper to print on my own
3. Write a script No progress.
4. Publish a poem No progress
STEP 3: identify some places where I would like to submit a poem and qualify
STEP 4: select some poems for submission and fine tune them
5. Track my spending/budget **PROGRESS**
I finished tracking my expenses for April - July. I should definitely not let them stack up that much! It made getting through it all take a long time.
STEP 9: Track my April expenses
STEP 10: Track my May expenses
STEP 11: Track my June expenses
STEP 12: Track my July expenses
6. Apply for a passport No progress
STEP 3: Figure out how much it will cost.
STEP 4: Gather the forms and documents
STEP 5: Submit the paperwork.
7. Get new glasses **COMPLETED WEEK 8**