It recently occurred to me that Vanessa Hudgens has not gotten any of this attention at all really. That seems a bit strange for someone who became a starlet at a youngish age and is having to reinvent herself in public. I mean, we barely batted an eyelash at her when she appeared in Sucker Punch (and by this I do not mean we should take notice of Sucker Punch itself, but rather the function of the film in Hudgens' career trajectory and public image, by which I mean to say: spend no mental energy whatsoever on Sucker Punch). Granted she doesn't seem to be working as much as Fanning, and is not as big a global sensation as Watson, but I would have thought the world would be some what invested in watching her blossom/flounder.
But perhaps the whole unfortunate incident with the photos tarnished her glow, and we are now treating her like the disowned second son who is a disgrace to the family name.
Regardless of what everyone else is doing, I am considering revising my opinion of her. I have always held in her a sort of lofty contempt because I passionately despise the entire High School Musical phenomenon and think it is evil. (I wrote a 30 page college paper to this effect.) Being that she plays the perfecto, goody-goody, cutsey, apparently 'smart,' passive ingenue-romantic prize for the lead male, a lot of my disgust for the travesty as a whole has been projected at Hudgens. Although I am yet to be convinced of her singing/acting prowess, this is probably unfair.
And I've recently discovered that the girl has some serious style. Check her out in a snap found in July InStyle UK.

She looks great! Why have I not heard of this (her being stylish) before? Have I just been in some sort of Hudgens-less bubble? Her outfit looks dynamic, personal, intelligently coordinated yet effortless, lived-in and like she actually likes what she is wearing, not pandering to 'looking sexy,' and generally oozes coolness and confidence. She looks comfy and glamorous. We want her hat! We want her top! We want to know where to get cut-prize replicas of her trousers--- as evidenced by the rest of the article.
If we are interested in developing style and looking to celebs (and their teams) for guidance, why aren't we looking to Hudgens more? I feel like she deserves a little more attention.
And remember all the ballyhoo over Emma Watson's hair? If you don't, no need to worry. It will probably happen all over again in a few months. But the gist of it is Hermoine went from long, typical locks, to short, snappy pixie cut. STOP THE PRESSES!
But check out Hudgens in some recent snaps:

(Photo from the Daily Mail.)
Her hair is now super short and super cute!
But do we care and go on and on and on and on about it (like the people in the office next to me do re: Emma Watson's hair)? No.
But then again, maybe we were all just in love with Zac Efron.
& she's wearing fab sunglasses on both occasions! What's not to love?