I really liked the shape that I cut from Paltrow's picture, especially with such a substantial block of orange to work with.

But then thinking about this, as I started to add the drops of polish--- mostly to experiment with colors initially, I thought to myself: "if these are the queens and courtesans, well, this is just a drop in the bucket." Because there are so many other celebrities and beautiful women we pay attention to!
And to go off on a bit of a tangent, that word "celebrity" sounds so horrible and unromantic the more and more I use it. It gets right down to the bare-bones of the matter: these are people who are celebrate, whose most defining descriptive element is that people pay attention to them. It doesn't allow them any other attributes. The word lacks the descriptive finesse that something like "queen" (connoting power, wisdom, responsibility, divine right) or "courtesan/courtier" (touching on class, relationships, political and cultural status) or even "artist" (highlighting talent, insight, sacrifice, beauty & philosophy)--- which is essentially (arguably) what they are (these ones anyway) or try to be. I wish sometimes we could use other words to distinguish those celebrities celebrated for specific merits from those whom we just consider "famous-people" whose central focus is the mere banality of "fame."
How we define ourselves... Is this not one of the most key challenges every individual faces? Will I reflect the essence of my internal nature and qualities or will I reflect what I see and what I'm told?? Do we truly get a chance to choose?