Even though I started reading Beauty Myth and Survival of the Prettiest a while ago I've stalled on these two. I should just hurry up and finish Prettiest because I'm finding it a bit disappointing. However, I am also now reading Gone Girl and I LOVE IT. This book is intense, thrilling, and so so engrossing. I will probably finish it by the weekend. And a friend of mine lent me Lean In so that will probably be next on the chopping block . . . although I'm finding reading the fiction books a lot easier.
I also read Bossypants last month, which was very very (laugh out loud) funny but also had some very interesting elements hidden in it.
2. Finish reading Anna Karenina and Howards End.
I finished Howards End a while ago, probably before Christmas. I enjoyed it. Forrester is not my favorite classic British novelist but his writing is very amazing and breathtaking. I do find some of his social analysis a little over my head at times though; I wish I knew more about the history he is dealing with, because his novels always deal with very interesting themes. I found his examination of 'culture' in Howards End particularly fascinating.
3. Learn some basic sewing and alteration.
No progress.
4. Go to a tailor.
No progress.
5. Get new glasses.
STILL haven't accomplished this. But I've been dreaming about my new glasses a lot, so hopefully I will get myself to get this done soon.
This is going pretty well. I am doing pretty well at putting my tear-outs from magazines into it right away. Right now it's just pictures pasted in, but maybe I will add more personality to it as time goes on.
8. Try selling clothes online.
This goes well! I now have 1,188 followers and I really enjoy using Poshmark. The community is really great. I am not selling super speedily, but slow and steady. I have sold 7 more things since November. The trick is to stop spending my earnings immediately!
8. Try selling clothes online.
This goes well! I now have 1,188 followers and I really enjoy using Poshmark. The community is really great. I am not selling super speedily, but slow and steady. I have sold 7 more things since November. The trick is to stop spending my earnings immediately!
9. Make my own postcards.
No progress.
10. Use Photoshop.
No progress. I really need to get moving on this. There are so many things I want to try out!
11. Take and edit more photos.
In addition to taking more photos on my phone, I did actually go on a couple tiny photo excursions in December. I've also been taking the occasional snaps around the house. I haven't downloaded any of the photos off the camera yet. And I've also somehow set the shutter to some sort of delay and I can't figure out how to take it off!

I'm also trying to use my Instagram a little more.
I keep thinking I should get up early on the weekend and take some photos before people (and cars) are about. But sleep has been too enticing.
12. Finish my poetry collection.
I haven't made much progress on this. I had some pretty serious writers block for a while, but I did do a little bit of editing/writing in December.
13. Find a writing support group.
I'm still working on another blog project with some other writers. I actually find it really interesting to do that project, although some of the other writers are not as committed as I am and are dropping like flies to some extent. I hope we can keep it going because it is really interesting to hear the views of other writers and see their styles.
I have also started to go to writing group at a local library. I have only been twice. The group is mostly older people (40s-50s) writing prose fiction (whereas I fool around with screenplays, memoir, poetry, and prose fiction about equally) but the group interest me because they alternate what they do each week between critique and writing exercises. So far I have enjoyed both formats.
I don't have anything to share at the critique sessions, but it is really interesting to hear everyone's various writing styles, stories and topics. One of the guys who read last week was REALLY GOOD. He is writing a biography of his mother and his writing was just beautiful, sophisticated and very powerful. It was a privilege to hear his piece.
The writing exercise session was more fun than I'd expected and it felt good to just get some writing practice and practice being creative and imaginative. Two older gentlemen in particular wrote very funny pieces.
14. Write a screenplay.
No progress.
15. Make a short film.
No progress
16. Start mastering blogging.
No progress. I abandoned this blog for 3 months! Not good! Although this month I messed about with the fonts and colors a bit, and I think it improved the look of the blog a lot. I also messed around and messed up the widths a bit. Oops!
17. Help make scrapbook for family reunion.
This got put on hold as the date of our family reunion has been pushed back. But I have had some ideas for this and it would be good to work on it over the course of the year. I should write my ideas down so I don't forget them!
18. Volunteer for something.
I signed up to be a volunteer at a local wildlife preservation, but I haven't done any volunteering yet!
19. Change a tire.
No progress. My car battery died though, so I got the experience of calling AAA to come save me!
20. Go to film festivals.
I have actually gone to two more film festivals! I went to the Athena Film Festival in February. I really loved the opportunity to see all the amazing films they had there. AND I got to be in a Q&A session with Callie Khouri!!!! I didn't get to ask a question, but it was still cool to hear her speak.
Unfortunately I didn't really network at all. It seemed like a lot of the people worth networking with knew each other and didn't show much interest in networking with random unknown peoples. In that type of atmosphere, it is really hard for an introvert like me to break the ice. Also, nearly everytime I tried to chat with the person next to me they turned out to be a college undergrad which was usually fine, but not necessarily productive networking.
I also went to the Princeton Environmental Film Festival, thanks to a friend telling me about it. I am really glad I went. I saw Bidder 70 which was HUGELY inspiring; and I also watched A Fierce Green Fire which I found a bit disappointing but it got me thinking about American environmentalism. Both films helped me get back into environmentalism and inspired me to stay more in touch with the issues going on right now. I think protecting and valuing nature and our environment is really important and big challenge right now, so I am glad got a chance to attend that festival and get my mind back into such important issues.
21. Develop some business skills.
I'm sort of in the process of doing some personal finance work. I'm slacking off a bit, so I better get back to it soon!
22. Get a new computer.
No progress
23. Collaborate on a creative project.
No progress.
24. New job
I've been a little disheartened by the non-response so far. My job has got dramatically downhill in terms of giving me any sort of motivation to care about it or continue in it besides money. So I'm pretty depressed about my job and am looking for a new one. I'm going to be doing a lot more job searching and working on my resume/linked in profile/elevator pitch!
25. Get an apartment.
This is really depressing. I actually almost did this in January. I found a place, and bought furniture, and was all scheduled to move but at the last minute the landlord started doing really weird things and the whole thing fell through. It was incredibly upsetting and frustrating for me and set me back. So I guess I haven't made progress on this, except for getting a bunch of furniture that now doesn't fit any place, but it's not for lack of trying!
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