It is where I ate a very expensive and very good chocolate eclair and where I took a photo of a small statue in the lovely Japanese garden.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Photogsnazzy: In the Japanese Garden
I recently visited Hillwood Estate, a historic mansion of a rich heiress in Maryland. Despite it's horrible slogan, it was an enjoyable place to spend an afternoon and look at beautiful antiques and beautiful gardens.
It is where I ate a very expensive and very good chocolate eclair and where I took a photo of a small statue in the lovely Japanese garden.
It is where I ate a very expensive and very good chocolate eclair and where I took a photo of a small statue in the lovely Japanese garden.
historic home,
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Come On Get Crafty: Do Do Doodling
I realized I haven't made any cards in a really long time. So I got out some card stock and did some doodling while watching tv on netflix.
I bought some new pens, but unfortunately got the wrong kind, so wasn't used to the way these one bled, which was a little frustrating.
Not sure if the green one above is really done yet. It's not my favorite thing ever so I don't know if I'll bother revisiting it. I don't really like how the curvy things in the center turned out, althought I really like the dot-triangles!
I bought some new pens, but unfortunately got the wrong kind, so wasn't used to the way these one bled, which was a little frustrating.
Not sure if the green one above is really done yet. It's not my favorite thing ever so I don't know if I'll bother revisiting it. I don't really like how the curvy things in the center turned out, althought I really like the dot-triangles!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Music this week: Muse, She & Him, and a bunch of British chicks
Been listening to a lot of tunes lately! I guess I've really needed to be in the groove/needed a pick-me-up!
1. 'Never Forget You' - The Noisettes
Love her smooth voice and the retro vibe of the song!
2. 'Obsessions' - Marina and the Diamonds
Not from her most recent album but such a good song! Been listening to it 3-4 times a day randomly! Also, been listening to 'Numb.'
3. 'Boy' - Nina Nesbitt
Just stumbled upon this one and been listening to it non-stop.
4. 'Dig Me A River' - Gemma Ray
I wanted to post 'No Water' but I couldn't find a video. I've had a bit of a Gemma Ray revival of late and have been listening to her Lights Out on Zoltar again. 'No Water,' 'Dig Me a River,' and "You Got Me In a Death Roll" have got the highest play count so far.
5. 'Only You' - Alison Moyet
It's a old one, but it was on Fringe a few weeks back which got me hooked all over again. 'I Go Weak in the Presence of Beauty' is another favorite of mine.
6. 'Madness' - Muse
I finally broke down and got the new album this weekend. Loving most of it (two of the songs I don't like). Digging this one the most right now.
7. 'Thieves' - She & Him
I dunno why this one just randomly popped up on my itnues and it's perfect.
8. 'Tightrope' - Walk the Moon
Another one that I'm not sure how it made it's way into my itunes library but I'm ok with it.
9. 'Breath of Life' - Florence + the Machine
Yes, again! It's soooooo good!
Other goodies:
Of course I've was on an all Mumford & Sons diet for a little while there. Still listening to 'I Will Wait' and 'Below My Feet.' Their 'Ghost that We Knew' makes me cry, so I don't listen too it as much but love it too. Been really digging 'For Those Below' lately.
Calvin Harris/Florence's 'Sweet Nothing,' of course. Kinda bummed that the music video is so lame though.
Guilty pleasure: Cher Lloyd.
1. 'Never Forget You' - The Noisettes
Love her smooth voice and the retro vibe of the song!
2. 'Obsessions' - Marina and the Diamonds
3. 'Boy' - Nina Nesbitt
4. 'Dig Me A River' - Gemma Ray
5. 'Only You' - Alison Moyet
6. 'Madness' - Muse
7. 'Thieves' - She & Him
8. 'Tightrope' - Walk the Moon
9. 'Breath of Life' - Florence + the Machine
Other goodies:
Of course I've was on an all Mumford & Sons diet for a little while there. Still listening to 'I Will Wait' and 'Below My Feet.' Their 'Ghost that We Knew' makes me cry, so I don't listen too it as much but love it too. Been really digging 'For Those Below' lately.
Calvin Harris/Florence's 'Sweet Nothing,' of course. Kinda bummed that the music video is so lame though.
Guilty pleasure: Cher Lloyd.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Progress report: Mid-October
For the past several weeks I've been really off-track regarding my lofty goals. Upon reflecting, I see I've actually made some progress on stuff I hadn't really been before, but I also think I've made negative-progress on a few things, so all around I've got mixed feelings and am not patting myself on the back. [September's progress report here.]
1. Sewing: No sewing has been happening.
2. Job: This is a big one, and I actually have made some progress so in that regard, that's a pretty big thumbs up for me. I applied to a job. It was sort of a whirlwind application process because I had only two days to get it in before the deadline. It was really scary. But I also feel really proud of myself for doing it and I feel ready to tackle the next one! I even remember thinking to myself: "I should do one of these every week!" Of course, if they want me to interview, it's going to be another terrible spiral of self-doubt, worry, and anxiety!
Someone also sent me another posting that I may or may not apply to. Still deciding if I'm interested in the company and the type of work. But it might be good to keep my head in the game.
I've also been really productive at work recently which has made me feel super proud and eager to develop some new projects or tackle some big tasks I haven't got around to yet!
3. Move out: Kinda contingent on #2. So not expecting much progress here right now anyway.
4. Writing: One of my reverse progress areas! I haven't been writing at all really. I don't know what happened! Work? Laziness? the blues? television? probably a mixture of both. Gotta snap out of it!
5. I still can't iron!
6. California vacation: I've been talking a lot of talk about this, so in my head this is happening. Haven't done any planning yet though. Definitely almost settled on a New-Year's week time period though. Unfortunately, my boss just arbitrarily mandated that I had to use all my comp time before December ends, which is lame, because I wanted to save some of my (6! yeah working overtime and all weekend!) days off for January.
7. Photography: Thinking about my qualifications for the job I applied for got me freaked out so I'm trying to dive back into my distant technical knowledge about photography. I got out some of my old books and have experimented with my dad's Nikon a little. I plan on doing this at least a few times a week until I get better at it. I'd also like to get my hands on a DSLR and see what it's like. Right now I've only really been using HD/SD cameras. There is also still some stuff I want to review regarding compression and storage for my interview prep.
Most the pictures I took so far turned out pretty terrible. This is the only remotely good one in my opinion:
8. Learn Photoshop etc. or similar: I've been checking out the library website (yay! working for a university!) and there is a media center that has a bunch of these programs for students, staff and faculty to use. I'm going to email them tomorrow to see what types of tutorial options are available and see if I can come by once or twice a week after work to teach myself stuff.
9. Exercise: My other major area of negative progress! I totally fell of the bandwagon. I've barely been exercising once a week, I've made it to three time a week a couple times, but haven't gotten back up to four times yet. The thing that knocked me off my groove was I hurt my ankle (dancing at the Florence concert! so worth it!) and had to stay off it for 4-5 days. I just haven't gotten back into a routine since that! Also, been eating junk food again, not hydrating, and forgetting to take my vitamens! Noooooo! Get back on track girl!!!
10-11. Tra la la la!
12. Improve blog: I think it's pretty obvious from how much I've been posting over the last few weeks where I stand with this one.
13. Poems: This one fell off the radar a little. But I've managed to write two (see here and here). I really should try to get more done though. I also read two of my poems at a poetry reading at my library. It's a pretty low-stakes setting (mostly older women) but it's a little intimidating because I'm the only one under 50 there most of the time and they aren't really very chatty. I was hoping that we'd actually discuss poetry and exchange tips on writing processes, but not so much. I almost chickened out, but then remembered that I'm supposed to be "doing more stuff" so I got it together, and the whole experience was pretty anti-climactic.
14. Play more music: Slow progress on this one. Played twice this month. Learning a Muse song, which is kinda fun!
15. Read: Finished On The Road. I was going to tackle Survival of the Prettiest next but I can't find my copy. I also might count reading books on filmmaking/photography if I end up spending a lot of time on them.
16. Journal of cool life events: Still failing at this. And I keep adding to the backlog! Went to an art exhibit at the university art museum and heard Gina Davis speak about gender in the media!
17. Dating Drama: Have still remained faithfully chickening out of doing anything actively in this regard. However, I did/am having a bit of a problem with an friend-now-admirer whose attentions are not reciprocated. I feel bad because I've had to deal with this particular brand of awkwardness so much that my gut reaction is to get really annoyed and disdainful, which is really unfair, so I overcompensate the other way by being way too nice, which is stupid for everyone concerned. But generally, I think I'm handling it fine and there is no excessive drama (yet).
18/19. Collaborative film? Sorta started working on this but then got lazy and dropped it. Hopefully I'll pick it back up soon.
20/21. Newsletter/photo albums: on the back burner.
22. Travel? I've got all those days off that I've got to use so I'm planning a few things for next month. But probably my second biggest achievement so far this month has been that I actually went to NYC and traveled around to several places by subway BY MYSELF. People who know me, know I'm really nervous about traveling places on my own! Getting lost in unfamiliar territory, especially somewhere intimidating and far away (where no one can come pick me up in 20 mins) sounds pretty darn terrible to me. But I proved to myself that I can ride the subway from Manhattan to Queens to Brooklyn to Manhattan by myself and the world won't end! It sounds ridiculous, but it's been a really empowering experience for me!
P.S. I wasn't even deterred when my train to NYC actually hit a car that was on the tracks. Luckily, no one was seriously hurt and it didn't really effect the passengers too much expect that we had to evacuate the train and climb over the tracks to a rescue train like we were in some disaster movie.
23. Creative organization: another tra la la la
24. Hair: still mucho indecision! I'm so torn between going with something shorter and with more attitude and going long again, which I'm used to!
1. Sewing: No sewing has been happening.
2. Job: This is a big one, and I actually have made some progress so in that regard, that's a pretty big thumbs up for me. I applied to a job. It was sort of a whirlwind application process because I had only two days to get it in before the deadline. It was really scary. But I also feel really proud of myself for doing it and I feel ready to tackle the next one! I even remember thinking to myself: "I should do one of these every week!" Of course, if they want me to interview, it's going to be another terrible spiral of self-doubt, worry, and anxiety!
Someone also sent me another posting that I may or may not apply to. Still deciding if I'm interested in the company and the type of work. But it might be good to keep my head in the game.
I've also been really productive at work recently which has made me feel super proud and eager to develop some new projects or tackle some big tasks I haven't got around to yet!
3. Move out: Kinda contingent on #2. So not expecting much progress here right now anyway.
4. Writing: One of my reverse progress areas! I haven't been writing at all really. I don't know what happened! Work? Laziness? the blues? television? probably a mixture of both. Gotta snap out of it!
5. I still can't iron!
6. California vacation: I've been talking a lot of talk about this, so in my head this is happening. Haven't done any planning yet though. Definitely almost settled on a New-Year's week time period though. Unfortunately, my boss just arbitrarily mandated that I had to use all my comp time before December ends, which is lame, because I wanted to save some of my (6! yeah working overtime and all weekend!) days off for January.
7. Photography: Thinking about my qualifications for the job I applied for got me freaked out so I'm trying to dive back into my distant technical knowledge about photography. I got out some of my old books and have experimented with my dad's Nikon a little. I plan on doing this at least a few times a week until I get better at it. I'd also like to get my hands on a DSLR and see what it's like. Right now I've only really been using HD/SD cameras. There is also still some stuff I want to review regarding compression and storage for my interview prep.
Most the pictures I took so far turned out pretty terrible. This is the only remotely good one in my opinion:
8. Learn Photoshop etc. or similar: I've been checking out the library website (yay! working for a university!) and there is a media center that has a bunch of these programs for students, staff and faculty to use. I'm going to email them tomorrow to see what types of tutorial options are available and see if I can come by once or twice a week after work to teach myself stuff.
9. Exercise: My other major area of negative progress! I totally fell of the bandwagon. I've barely been exercising once a week, I've made it to three time a week a couple times, but haven't gotten back up to four times yet. The thing that knocked me off my groove was I hurt my ankle (dancing at the Florence concert! so worth it!) and had to stay off it for 4-5 days. I just haven't gotten back into a routine since that! Also, been eating junk food again, not hydrating, and forgetting to take my vitamens! Noooooo! Get back on track girl!!!
10-11. Tra la la la!
12. Improve blog: I think it's pretty obvious from how much I've been posting over the last few weeks where I stand with this one.
13. Poems: This one fell off the radar a little. But I've managed to write two (see here and here). I really should try to get more done though. I also read two of my poems at a poetry reading at my library. It's a pretty low-stakes setting (mostly older women) but it's a little intimidating because I'm the only one under 50 there most of the time and they aren't really very chatty. I was hoping that we'd actually discuss poetry and exchange tips on writing processes, but not so much. I almost chickened out, but then remembered that I'm supposed to be "doing more stuff" so I got it together, and the whole experience was pretty anti-climactic.
14. Play more music: Slow progress on this one. Played twice this month. Learning a Muse song, which is kinda fun!
15. Read: Finished On The Road. I was going to tackle Survival of the Prettiest next but I can't find my copy. I also might count reading books on filmmaking/photography if I end up spending a lot of time on them.
16. Journal of cool life events: Still failing at this. And I keep adding to the backlog! Went to an art exhibit at the university art museum and heard Gina Davis speak about gender in the media!
17. Dating Drama: Have still remained faithfully chickening out of doing anything actively in this regard. However, I did/am having a bit of a problem with an friend-now-admirer whose attentions are not reciprocated. I feel bad because I've had to deal with this particular brand of awkwardness so much that my gut reaction is to get really annoyed and disdainful, which is really unfair, so I overcompensate the other way by being way too nice, which is stupid for everyone concerned. But generally, I think I'm handling it fine and there is no excessive drama (yet).
18/19. Collaborative film? Sorta started working on this but then got lazy and dropped it. Hopefully I'll pick it back up soon.
20/21. Newsletter/photo albums: on the back burner.
22. Travel? I've got all those days off that I've got to use so I'm planning a few things for next month. But probably my second biggest achievement so far this month has been that I actually went to NYC and traveled around to several places by subway BY MYSELF. People who know me, know I'm really nervous about traveling places on my own! Getting lost in unfamiliar territory, especially somewhere intimidating and far away (where no one can come pick me up in 20 mins) sounds pretty darn terrible to me. But I proved to myself that I can ride the subway from Manhattan to Queens to Brooklyn to Manhattan by myself and the world won't end! It sounds ridiculous, but it's been a really empowering experience for me!
P.S. I wasn't even deterred when my train to NYC actually hit a car that was on the tracks. Luckily, no one was seriously hurt and it didn't really effect the passengers too much expect that we had to evacuate the train and climb over the tracks to a rescue train like we were in some disaster movie.
23. Creative organization: another tra la la la
24. Hair: still mucho indecision! I'm so torn between going with something shorter and with more attitude and going long again, which I'm used to!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Photogsnazzy: Dreamy Caterpillars
I actually tried to do a little photography this weekend. Almost always I'm lazy and do everything on automatic settings--- maybe I'll adjust aperture--- and focus mostly on composition, hoping that there is enough light for the image to come out looking pretty much how I want it. Well, it's time to stop being lazy!
I did a little refreshing by cracking open a few photography books and borrowed my Dad's Nikon to actually try taking some pictures experimenting with the ISO, shutter speed, aperture and focus on manual!
Unfortunately, I took too long to get around to doing this and the sun was pretty much set by the time I got a acquainted with the camera. That and I kept forgetting to check the focus! (I'm so used to the machines doing everything for me!) Maybe I should stay on auto focus until I get the hang of things. So I basically took a bunch of really bad photos.
However, I thought I'd share a few dreamy (out-of-focus, over/under-exposed) photographs--- primarily of caterpillars!
I did a little refreshing by cracking open a few photography books and borrowed my Dad's Nikon to actually try taking some pictures experimenting with the ISO, shutter speed, aperture and focus on manual!
Unfortunately, I took too long to get around to doing this and the sun was pretty much set by the time I got a acquainted with the camera. That and I kept forgetting to check the focus! (I'm so used to the machines doing everything for me!) Maybe I should stay on auto focus until I get the hang of things. So I basically took a bunch of really bad photos.
However, I thought I'd share a few dreamy (out-of-focus, over/under-exposed) photographs--- primarily of caterpillars!
I think these are the settings I used: 1/25s, f/4.5, ISO 400. |
1/25s, f/4.5, ISO 640 |
1/24s, f/4.5, ISO 250 . . . also I just like the blurry green in this one, with the white flowers peaking through. |
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Poem: millstones
This weekend I remembered to check back on my goals for this year, and realized I have not been making too much progress lately, especially with regards to any writing! That made me sad because I had been making some good improvements last month, so it's unfortunate that I didn't keep up the effort!
As a result of these reflections, I did a bit of jotting down notes, and want to see if I can solidify a few poems this weekend. I've already got one!
I've been needing to blow off some steam, so this is a little bit angrier than what I usually write. The disdain is a little potent.
I've had enough with him
just like all the others.
I don't believe you, he says.
That's not my affair, I say.
I don't believe you, he says.
You smile too much to know your own truth.
We're all one-trick ponies, I remind him,
and I'm a fool--- I grin in the face of fear.
Any you're good for mewing.
I tell him through the flames.
I try to show him how I'm made of marble.
but he still clings round my knees,
beaming, like a man.
one of these days I'll learn what's good for me
and I'll crush his bones
under my leaden feet.
until then, swing low, my burdens.
As a result of these reflections, I did a bit of jotting down notes, and want to see if I can solidify a few poems this weekend. I've already got one!
I've been needing to blow off some steam, so this is a little bit angrier than what I usually write. The disdain is a little potent.
I've had enough with him
just like all the others.
I don't believe you, he says.
That's not my affair, I say.
I don't believe you, he says.
You smile too much to know your own truth.
We're all one-trick ponies, I remind him,
and I'm a fool--- I grin in the face of fear.
Any you're good for mewing.
I tell him through the flames.
I try to show him how I'm made of marble.
but he still clings round my knees,
beaming, like a man.
one of these days I'll learn what's good for me
and I'll crush his bones
under my leaden feet.
until then, swing low, my burdens.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Photogsnazzy: Summer flowers
During my weekend trip to Winterthur (Delaware) and Cape May, I saw many flowers. Some were in shadow. Some were in sunlight. Some held perfectly still. Some were buffeted by the morning breeze.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Giraffes in Russia
When I was a kid doing my spelling homework, my dad helped me come up with mnemonics for words I just couldn't get my head around. Giraffes was one of these words. So we came up with
This new tank top from American Rag, reminds me of that for some reason . . .
This new tank top from American Rag, reminds me of that for some reason . . .
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Saturday Adventures at Target & Elsewhere (but mostly at Target)
I had some fun documenting my Saturday adventures with some low quality phone pictures. Thought it would be fun to share.
I started out planning to go to the library (partly as an excuse to take my new brown boots for a test drive!), which is near the Target. So I decided I'd stop by to get a poster hanger if they were not too pricey. On my way out the door, Dad asks if by the way I can pick up a part to the edger/trimmer/weed-wacker-thing/his-new-favorite-toy? So I head to Home Depot first.
Home Depot was super fast. I impressed myself by finding the item in question all by myself and in about three minutes. Strangely though, there was only one cashier open on the complete opposite end of the store. So I ended up walking the length of the store twice (once to check out and once to get back the car).
Next stop: Target. The other reason I wanted to got to Target was to see if they had any of the new Kirna Zabete collection. I've been eyeing these items online, but I wanted to see them in person if I could. Price is an issue for me for most of the pieces, but I was somewhat interested in the pink or blue long sleeves and dresses done with stripes and kiss patterns (I dig lips/kiss patterns). I didn't have high hopes that everything I was interested in would be at the local Target, because clothing-wise, it's usually a big disappointment.
As I suspected, there wasn't much. But the blue dress was there. I decided not to get it given the price, quality, and the fact that I'm not totally sold on the sheer ruffle on the bottom. I would have been interested in the kiss-patterned scarf, but it wasn't anyplace to be seen. I did however get the red lips ring, which I love. (Talked myself out of getting the bracelet.) I also found another ring set on clearance. There was a lot of jewelry on clearance; I nearly bought 5-8 things, but settled for just the one ring. Come to think of it, most of my favorite casual, day-to-day rings were all bought on clearance at Target!
I started out planning to go to the library (partly as an excuse to take my new brown boots for a test drive!), which is near the Target. So I decided I'd stop by to get a poster hanger if they were not too pricey. On my way out the door, Dad asks if by the way I can pick up a part to the edger/trimmer/weed-wacker-thing/his-new-favorite-toy? So I head to Home Depot first.
Home Depot was super fast. I impressed myself by finding the item in question all by myself and in about three minutes. Strangely though, there was only one cashier open on the complete opposite end of the store. So I ended up walking the length of the store twice (once to check out and once to get back the car).
Next stop: Target. The other reason I wanted to got to Target was to see if they had any of the new Kirna Zabete collection. I've been eyeing these items online, but I wanted to see them in person if I could. Price is an issue for me for most of the pieces, but I was somewhat interested in the pink or blue long sleeves and dresses done with stripes and kiss patterns (I dig lips/kiss patterns). I didn't have high hopes that everything I was interested in would be at the local Target, because clothing-wise, it's usually a big disappointment.
Florence + the Machine,
Kirna Zabete,
Poem: the eagles' nest
Started doing some poetry work today. This one came to me only this morning. Inspired by Baker Tower, for those who'll get that reference.
It's just a first draft, with some small revisions, for now. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be making some changes (I've moved the 3rd and 4th stanzas around so many times already!). I really don't have an intellectual understanding of structure or rhythm, but I'd like to. So I might contemplate this poem in that regard again. I'm also still articulating to myself what this is about, and that usually means there will be stuff I'll eliminate later to achieve greater unity or I'll flesh out the imagery in a more meaningful way. But for now . . .
"the eagles' nest"
we had a tower balcony
for one, two, three days
our eagles' nest
greyed and made of red hot stones
see just the lake
and the candied sky
the stone wasn't cold
but warm that day
we filled up space with our stretching arms
and throats
lifted higher
on budding, cherried summer breezes
hair-fluffed feathers upon our collars
lichen against our backs
flashes of happy digital light in the night
and stars
and nothing but a fall to catch us
everything but holding hands
and singing "here we go round the mulberry bush"
my friends
it's all become solid
smiles in the memories
It's just a first draft, with some small revisions, for now. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be making some changes (I've moved the 3rd and 4th stanzas around so many times already!). I really don't have an intellectual understanding of structure or rhythm, but I'd like to. So I might contemplate this poem in that regard again. I'm also still articulating to myself what this is about, and that usually means there will be stuff I'll eliminate later to achieve greater unity or I'll flesh out the imagery in a more meaningful way. But for now . . .
"the eagles' nest"
we had a tower balcony
for one, two, three days
our eagles' nest
greyed and made of red hot stones
see just the lake
and the candied sky
the stone wasn't cold
but warm that day
we filled up space with our stretching arms
and throats
lifted higher
on budding, cherried summer breezes
hair-fluffed feathers upon our collars
lichen against our backs
flashes of happy digital light in the night
and stars
and nothing but a fall to catch us
everything but holding hands
and singing "here we go round the mulberry bush"
my friends
it's all become solid
smiles in the memories
Friday, September 14, 2012
Progress Report: mid-September
Earlier, I posted a list of goals to accomplish before next autumn. Here's an update on how I've been doing with them (well, some of them at least):
1-3 : Sewing, new job, move out
No progress. That's probably bad since these include two of my biggest goals. My sister bought me some books on finding a job. I should probably revisit them.
4 : Actually write something
I haven't settled on anything concrete, but I've had some inspiration lately and jotted down a couple ideas for stories. I need to get something concrete and simple I can work with. It's not realistic or even a good idea for me to start working on a novel, for example.
5 : Learn to iron
No progress. Pathetic.
6 : Plan Californian vacation
Began talks with some of my CA friends, in terms of when to visit. That's good. Haven't really been saving money though. That's bad.
7 : Improve photography
No progress.
8 : Learn Photoshop and/or InDesign.
Thought about taking a peak at photoshop at the office. Looked the Photoshop Elements website. That's all so far.
9 : Exercise
My goal for this month is to exercise at least 4 times a week for 30-40 min. I got 3 days in last week, and am planning on 4 this week. Right now I'm doing a combination of running and doing the New York Ballet DVD workouts. I really enjoy the ballet workouts. They really give your muscles a beating and the different exercises break up the monotony of exercising.
I've been trying to eat healthier, with healthy snacks instead of candy and staying hydrated, which is usually an important thing for me. I've been doing a pretty good job. Between this and the exercising, I may have lost 3 lbs. yay!
Unfortunately, my hip is doing something weird.
1-3 : Sewing, new job, move out
No progress. That's probably bad since these include two of my biggest goals. My sister bought me some books on finding a job. I should probably revisit them.
4 : Actually write something
I haven't settled on anything concrete, but I've had some inspiration lately and jotted down a couple ideas for stories. I need to get something concrete and simple I can work with. It's not realistic or even a good idea for me to start working on a novel, for example.
5 : Learn to iron
No progress. Pathetic.
6 : Plan Californian vacation
Began talks with some of my CA friends, in terms of when to visit. That's good. Haven't really been saving money though. That's bad.
7 : Improve photography
No progress.
8 : Learn Photoshop and/or InDesign.
Thought about taking a peak at photoshop at the office. Looked the Photoshop Elements website. That's all so far.
9 : Exercise
My goal for this month is to exercise at least 4 times a week for 30-40 min. I got 3 days in last week, and am planning on 4 this week. Right now I'm doing a combination of running and doing the New York Ballet DVD workouts. I really enjoy the ballet workouts. They really give your muscles a beating and the different exercises break up the monotony of exercising.
I've been trying to eat healthier, with healthy snacks instead of candy and staying hydrated, which is usually an important thing for me. I've been doing a pretty good job. Between this and the exercising, I may have lost 3 lbs. yay!
Unfortunately, my hip is doing something weird.
Monday, September 10, 2012
In the Papier: Wonderous Design (Vintage DC Comics, Part 4)
Saturday, September 8, 2012
In the Papier: Doomed Young Love (Vintage DC Comics Part 3)
There are/were some pretty weird (and oh so stereotypical) comics for the ladies. The sad protagonists are losing in love. It's clobbering time on your self-esteem, girls! Come on, fork over the 15 cents for the latest issue! You know you want to!
Methinks it's time to give up on love.
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Can any man be trusted???????? |
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This is my favorite. Find out who wins: Groovy Girl or The Doormat! |
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Even Supergirl's heart is broken. |
Methinks it's time to give up on love.
First Outfit Post! Material Girl, Day to Night
I've wanted to do outfit posts for a while, but I've had trouble finding a good place to take photos and figure out how to take them. I finally just decided to use a wall in my bedroom and suck it up and give it a try. Plus I got a lot of new things over Labor Day weekend (yay sales!) that I want to share!
It was actually rather difficult. I think it took my 4 hours to finish the photos for 4-5 outfits! And my pictures are really not that great (I was using my little rinkydink consumer digital camera). And I DESTROYED my room. It is covered in clothes. This blogging is hard work! haha! Hopefully it won't take me so long next time, since now I know what lighting I need and what stuff I have to move out of shot etc.
Anyways, here it goes!
I wore this outfit on Friday, featuring two new purchases from Material Girl. I'm really proud of how I planned its day-to-night transition.
Dress: Material Girl (at Macy's)
Sweater: local consignment store (bought when I was in highschool)
Belt: GSA clothing swap
Shoes: Candies (bought on sale at Kohls in 2006)
Bracelet: Macy's clearance
Reading: Ms magazine, Winter 2012 edition
I knew that I'd have to rush home from work on Friday in order to leave with the parents at 6:15pm--- heading to Red Bank to see Hugh Laurie and the Copper Bottom Band perform and sing the blues! So I need a quick day-to-night transition, change of jacket, change of shoes, pop on a ring, done.
Clutch: ModCloth
Boots: Madden Girl, DSW
I know it's a little silly, but I'm a fan of the Material Girl line. I got a few Material Girl pieces from Macy's last year and this year. The item I really had my eye on was the Material Girl blazer. The cutout details are really pretty.
P.S. I can't believe I left my white board in the background of the shots of me. It is super ugly and features a to-do list from Nov 2011. Kind of embarrassing.
It was actually rather difficult. I think it took my 4 hours to finish the photos for 4-5 outfits! And my pictures are really not that great (I was using my little rinkydink consumer digital camera). And I DESTROYED my room. It is covered in clothes. This blogging is hard work! haha! Hopefully it won't take me so long next time, since now I know what lighting I need and what stuff I have to move out of shot etc.
Anyways, here it goes!
I wore this outfit on Friday, featuring two new purchases from Material Girl. I'm really proud of how I planned its day-to-night transition.
Work outfit |
I forgot to wear the bracelet in this photo. |
Sweater: local consignment store (bought when I was in highschool)
Belt: GSA clothing swap
Shoes: Candies (bought on sale at Kohls in 2006)
Bracelet: Macy's clearance
Reading: Ms magazine, Winter 2012 edition
Blues concert outfit. |
I didn't actually take this clutch with me to the concert though. No time for a purse change! |
Blazer: Material Girl
Necklace: Macy's Clearance (bought in 2011)
Ring: gift shop at the Carriage House Cafe & Tearoom, Cape MayClutch: ModCloth
Boots: Madden Girl, DSW
I know it's a little silly, but I'm a fan of the Material Girl line. I got a few Material Girl pieces from Macy's last year and this year. The item I really had my eye on was the Material Girl blazer. The cutout details are really pretty.
P.S. I can't believe I left my white board in the background of the shots of me. It is super ugly and features a to-do list from Nov 2011. Kind of embarrassing.
Friday, September 7, 2012
In the Papier: Weird World of Wonder Woman (Vintage DC Comics Part 2)
Excerpts from my 100 postcard collection of vintage DC Comics covers part 2!
What on earth is going on with Wonder Woman? She seems to be mixed up with all sorts of strange suitors!
But don't worry! Wonder Woman is going to reform and wear this really awesome outfit! (and then climb aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise!)
What on earth is going on with Wonder Woman? She seems to be mixed up with all sorts of strange suitors!
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Also, really terrible bridesmaids dresses (girls on the right)? or should I say negligees? short togas? |
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Gee, Amoeba-Man, I wonder who's going to come out on top in this argument? |
But don't worry! Wonder Woman is going to reform and wear this really awesome outfit! (and then climb aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise!)
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Love it! |
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
In the Papier: Distraught Superheros (Vintage DC Comics Part 1)
A friend of mine took notice of my stationary obsession and got me a wonderfully giant 100-postcard set, featuring covers of vintage DC comics. I have so many favorites I am going to have to share them with you in a couple posts. (Disclaimer: I'm not a comic book scholar in any way, so apologies if I don't take this seriously enough for some people.)
Moral of the story is, don't get close to a superhero????
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Is this the end of Catwoman?????????????? **gasp gasp anxiety** |
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Even poor Robin doesn't get off easy. ROBIN DIES AT DAWN (on this alien world!). |
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DC comics,
Green Arrow,
Monday, September 3, 2012
Come On Get Crafty: Card by Gran
I've mentioned in the previous post that my grandmother paints and makes cards. I've posted one of the cards she's made for me (see here), but I wanted to share one of her watercolors and another of my favorites.
I believe that she copied the design from an image she saw in a magazine. It is so beautiful, and makes me really want to learn to paint!
I believe that she copied the design from an image she saw in a magazine. It is so beautiful, and makes me really want to learn to paint!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
In the Papier: Cape May Inns & Landmarks by Alice Steer Wilson
While visiting the Carriage House Tearoom in Cape May, I of course browsed the adjoining gift shop for the Physick Estate. And of course, I happened upon some stationary (yes, more stationary!) that I couldn't leave without.
The buildings in Cape May are beautiful and these cards (prints of original paintings) really captured their beachy suniness, the delicate and grand architecture, and attractive Victorian aesthetics. I was really glad to have the likenesses to remember and admire the place.
These paintings were all made by a local artist named Alice Steer Wilson, who painted in Cape May from the late 1960s until 2001. You can see more of her artwork and learn more about her at the commemorative website
These paintings also reminded me of the watercolors my grandmother paints, so makes them even more enjoyable for me.
The buildings in Cape May are beautiful and these cards (prints of original paintings) really captured their beachy suniness, the delicate and grand architecture, and attractive Victorian aesthetics. I was really glad to have the likenesses to remember and admire the place.
These paintings were all made by a local artist named Alice Steer Wilson, who painted in Cape May from the late 1960s until 2001. You can see more of her artwork and learn more about her at the commemorative website
These paintings also reminded me of the watercolors my grandmother paints, so makes them even more enjoyable for me.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Music this week: 90s, some French, Country Strong, and some Singin In the Rain
It's been a long week. So I've been listening to some relaxing and cheery music while I lounge around in preparation for the long, loungey weekend.
1. Let Me Be Your Wings - Thumbelina (soundtrack)
Much to the chagrin of my older sister who found this movie quite silly, this was one of my favorite movies when I was little. This song was one of my childhood favorites. And it is still **sigh** so romantic. (And yes, I am still mad at the stupid, horrible toad that shows up right after this song and messes everything up for Thumbelina and Cornelius.) I really wish the Barry Manilow version sound less, um . . . dated?
2. Love Is All Around - Wet Wet Wet (cover of The Troggs' song)
Another love song from the 90s!
3. You Were Mean For Me - Singin' in the Rain (soundtrack)
In keeping with romantic themes, another lovely, love song from the best movie ever made.
4. La Vie Comme Elle Vient - Clemence
Randomly started listening to Clemence again this week (although I only have a few of her songs, they're a bit hard to find in the states). Love the bouncy tune.
5. Timing Is Everything - Garrett Hedlund (Country Strong soundtrack)
I finally watched Country Strong this week, and I really loved all the songs Beau (played by Garrett Hedlund) sung. (Wasn't that into the Kelly Canter (Paltrow) songs for some reason.) Although, through the first half of the movie I was flipping out because I think Hedlund's voice sounds like a crazy Tim McGraw-Toby Keith hybid and I couldn't figure out if he was being dubbed by one of them. And Tim McGraw was playing another character in the movie, so if he was dubbing Beau's voice that would have been really trippy. Now, just got to watch Crazy Heart now!
6. Sweet Nothing - Calvin Harris feat. FLORENCE WELCH
New collaboration between Florence and Calvin Harris to dance your stress away. Thanks to my fantastico friend who kept me informed about this!
1. Let Me Be Your Wings - Thumbelina (soundtrack)
Much to the chagrin of my older sister who found this movie quite silly, this was one of my favorite movies when I was little. This song was one of my childhood favorites. And it is still **sigh** so romantic. (And yes, I am still mad at the stupid, horrible toad that shows up right after this song and messes everything up for Thumbelina and Cornelius.) I really wish the Barry Manilow version sound less, um . . . dated?
2. Love Is All Around - Wet Wet Wet (cover of The Troggs' song)
Another love song from the 90s!
3. You Were Mean For Me - Singin' in the Rain (soundtrack)
In keeping with romantic themes, another lovely, love song from the best movie ever made.
4. La Vie Comme Elle Vient - Clemence
Randomly started listening to Clemence again this week (although I only have a few of her songs, they're a bit hard to find in the states). Love the bouncy tune.
5. Timing Is Everything - Garrett Hedlund (Country Strong soundtrack)
I finally watched Country Strong this week, and I really loved all the songs Beau (played by Garrett Hedlund) sung. (Wasn't that into the Kelly Canter (Paltrow) songs for some reason.) Although, through the first half of the movie I was flipping out because I think Hedlund's voice sounds like a crazy Tim McGraw-Toby Keith hybid and I couldn't figure out if he was being dubbed by one of them. And Tim McGraw was playing another character in the movie, so if he was dubbing Beau's voice that would have been really trippy. Now, just got to watch Crazy Heart now!
6. Sweet Nothing - Calvin Harris feat. FLORENCE WELCH
New collaboration between Florence and Calvin Harris to dance your stress away. Thanks to my fantastico friend who kept me informed about this!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
In the Papier: British book jackets
Ok, so I purchased a lot of stationary lately, hence the numerous stationary related posts.
At the Winterthur bookstore, I got a box set of the grooviest notecards. These cards feature portions of vintage book jackets designed by illustrator, Brian Cook, for the Bradford Publishing firm throughout the 1930s-1950s.
It's funny to think of him designing in that period because the colorful design reminds me of the 1960s-70s and the Beatles and such. He must have been pretty cutting-edge!
At the Winterthur bookstore, I got a box set of the grooviest notecards. These cards feature portions of vintage book jackets designed by illustrator, Brian Cook, for the Bradford Publishing firm throughout the 1930s-1950s.
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design for "The English Garden" by Ralph Dutton, 1937 |
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design for "The Countryman's England" by Dorothy Hartley, 1935 |
Saturday, August 25, 2012
In the Papier: Historical National Park Poster postcards
My sister just sent us a few postcards from her travels, and they were really groovy.
This postcard was designed in the style of the WPA posters from the 30s/40s by Ranger Doug's Enterprises. I definitely plan to explore their site more. Ranger Doug has a blog! Gotta check it out.
This was my favorite, done in a similar style. Not sure if it is a reproduction of a vintage poster or original artwork from Lantern Press.
This postcard was designed in the style of the WPA posters from the 30s/40s by Ranger Doug's Enterprises. I definitely plan to explore their site more. Ranger Doug has a blog! Gotta check it out.
This was my favorite, done in a similar style. Not sure if it is a reproduction of a vintage poster or original artwork from Lantern Press.
national parks,
Friday, August 24, 2012
Bragging & BBCA
Now, I'm not saying this was all down to me, maybe they were planning on doing this post all along, BUT:
When they posted the original "Top Ten British Character Actors," I was rather sad not to see an women on their list. I really wanted to see who they considered the best, male and female. So I commented, wondering where the ladies were and offering some suggestions (two of mine made the list! . . . feel a fool for not remembering Imelda Staunton).
A week later they posted this post.
Just saying!
P.S. This is also why I love the Anglophenia blog. They post such a range of posts, respond to their audience well, and I feel like I learn a lot from them.
When they posted the original "Top Ten British Character Actors," I was rather sad not to see an women on their list. I really wanted to see who they considered the best, male and female. So I commented, wondering where the ladies were and offering some suggestions (two of mine made the list! . . . feel a fool for not remembering Imelda Staunton).
A week later they posted this post.
Just saying!
P.S. This is also why I love the Anglophenia blog. They post such a range of posts, respond to their audience well, and I feel like I learn a lot from them.
In the Papier: Oil Fields of Dreams
I found this vintage postcard at a thrift store in Cleveland. It's an image of a Texas oil field and is uncommonly pretty. It was the only thing I bought at the store!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Videos Been Making Me Happy: Doctor Who, Cheese, and Beyonce in the country
Some videos I've been enjoying lately:
1. A video made to celebrate/thank Russell T. Davies and Julie Gardner for being the incredible creators of the rebooted Doctor Who. Starring David Tennant, Catherine Tate, and John Barrowman & his fake piano playing, and featuring some awesome lyrics.
2. The official anthem for cheddar cheese, made for the British Cheese Board.
3. This made me admire Beyonce so much more. Plus, what an excellent cover!
4. I will never ever tire of this, and someday I WILL use it to learn all the kings and queens of England.
5. Revisiting one of my favorite sketches from Mitchell and Webb (although I have so many favorites).
1. A video made to celebrate/thank Russell T. Davies and Julie Gardner for being the incredible creators of the rebooted Doctor Who. Starring David Tennant, Catherine Tate, and John Barrowman & his fake piano playing, and featuring some awesome lyrics.
2. The official anthem for cheddar cheese, made for the British Cheese Board.
3. This made me admire Beyonce so much more. Plus, what an excellent cover!
4. I will never ever tire of this, and someday I WILL use it to learn all the kings and queens of England.
5. Revisiting one of my favorite sketches from Mitchell and Webb (although I have so many favorites).
24 Things Before 25
A few of the bloggers I've been following announce a list of goals they have for the year after their birthday. I really think this is a great idea as it gets you to really think about what you want for yourself out of the year, personally, professionally, anything. I've been a little nervous about committing myself to these things, but decided to toughen up and get to it already!
1. Learn some sewing.
This is a skill. Having it can save you money and make your clothes last longer. I'd like to learn some actual stitches and when it is best to use them. I'd like to learn how to "take things in (out)" and to hem pants and skirts, and do basic repairs.
2. Get a better job (biggest, scariest goal)
This is pretty self-explanatory. I'm not terribly thrilled about my job in terms of where it can take me and what I can learn. I'd like to find somewhere that is more of a stepping stone to what I want to be doing ten years from now.
3. Move out
Goes with #2 in being big and scary. I'd really like to have my own place. Being at home has its financial and locational benefits, but I really need to establish myself on my own, have my own space, and stop clinging to what is familiar.
4. Actually write something. By which I mean, actually finish a work of narrative writing or memoir. By which I mean, actually finish a draft, do revisions, get notes, do more revisions, and then finish it.
I fancy myself a writer or aspiring writer, but I never bloody write anything. I've got loads of ideas, but I never finish anything. I am constantly starting new things. This is not because I am some sort of prolific creative genius, this is because I am lazy, writing is bloody difficult, and writing freaks me out because I overreact and end up psychoanyalzing myself and questioning my worthiness.
5. Learn to iron.
Embarrassed to say, still have never done this, so goal = self-explanatory. In my defense, do have many strategies for never wrinkling anything. This is probably my easiest goal to achieve. So if I don't accomplish at least 1 on this list, it will truly be pathetic.
6. Go to California for vacation.
I have many friends in California who I would like to visit. I would really love to spend a long holiday in California seeing these people. I can make this work if I start planning early, save up some money (stop spending it on silly things) and make this a priority.
7. Improve photography skills.
Most of the minimal photography knowledge I have has been forgotten. I want to get a better grip of the technical aspect of photography and creating images.
8. Learn Photoshop and/or InDesign. or similar.
I'd like to get down some of these basic software skills to make myself more marketable and to produce more stuff for work, myself, family, whatever.
9. Establish an exercise routine, preferably attend a class.
I need to get back in shape, if only for self-image and mental health reasons. After junior year of college, my exercising habits just completely fell off the face of the earth for various reasons. But I'd like to have stronger muscles like I used to, improve my lung capacity, work off some stress, and just feel healthier.
I am also afraid of gyms, because I have never been a part of one and don't know the etiquette, so it would be nice to conquer some of those irrational fears by at least attending a class. But I won't make that a requirement for accomplishing this goal.
10. Establish a writing routine.
In keeping with the routine-establishing theme, I would also like to discover a writing routine that works for me. Most writers have writing habits that help them stay on track and function. "Write every day" is the common mantra, and I'd like to figure out a way to make that work for me. I already know a few things about my writing habits: driving helps me open up my mind, nature inspires me, looking at images helps me write, I get very creative late at night, I get blocked around my family, I usually do brainstorming, planning and short excerpts by hand and then move to the laptop, I like to write in bed. I can put all these things together to establish some habits.
11. Get better at budgeting.
Financial management has started to interest me. I'd like to get better at running a personal budget and a business budget, and learn more business and marketing strategy.
12. Improve my blog.
I should get a better structure going, decide where I see this going, improve its design, and plan out content more.
13. Complete a collection of poems. Get at least one of them published.
When I do write, I often end up writing poems. They are a good way of expressing myself. I'd like to actually put together a collection (15-20 poems). This means looking for themes, studying form more, getting notes from people who know about poetry (whoever they are) and probably writing a good 30-40 poems in order to seek out the really good ones. (I think I have about 10 solid poems so far.)
I'd like to publish one 1) to prove to myself that my poems are good and 2) to prove to myself that poetry is not completely irrelevant, because I'm not entirely convinced.
14. Play more music.
I have barely touched the piano for the past two years. But it was something I enjoyed. There was a point in my life when I really wanted to learn more music theory, understand music construction, and wanted to practice more seriously. People discouraged me, and now I usually don't because I'm afraid of people making fun of how badly I am at it, or getting annoyed at me practicing, but those are terrible reasons to hold myself back from doing something I want to do.
15. Read more.
I've taken to just watching lots of tv shows online during my spare time, but that means I'm missing out on lots of reading, great stories, and great literary forms. I would like to read more books, articles, and poetry and expand my horizons. (I reserve the right to count audio books towards this goal.)
16. Maintain a journal of the things I do in my life.
I haven't ever kept a journal of the things I've done like vacations, events, parties, meaningful experiences or encounters. I keep a lot of trinkets and mementos, but now looking back everything is a bit of a muddle. I often can't remember what year or how old I was when things happen or the details of an experience. I plan to start a journal or scrap book when I collect all those things and write down everything I remember. I've started already, but already fallen behind. I've only finished covering everything that happened in June. There are many things from July and August I need to record!
17. Go on a date without drama (real or imaginary). Generally, freak out about romance much much less.
I was debating whether to air this goal or not, but decided, what the hell. Also, if I don't fess up to making this a goal, I will definitely NOT do anything about it. But, wow, I really suck at romance. I tend to flee. I've come to the conclusion that: I am still afraid of boys. I make friends with guys just as easily as the next person, and enjoying having passing crushes just as much as the next person, but once things start to look like it might GET REAL, I can seriously FLIP OUT.
If I don't like someone who is making advances, I get really REALLY angry at them if they don't back off, like, RIGHT AWAY. I get offended at the assumptions I assume they are making about me. I pray that they will drop off the face of the earth and that I will never EVER have to see them again. Plus, generally, I think being presumptuous is one of the worst things someone can do (yes, I know, that it ridiculous of me) so I can seriously become a fiery, tower of rage if I think someone is forcing their company upon me after I have given back-off signals.
People I do like, I automatically assume would 1) never go out with me and have much cooler, prettier, whatever-ier girls to go out with, 2) have probably never noticed me and 3) if they have noticed me, have done so with the thought: "Wow, that girl is really weird (bad weird)/gross/a complete mess/uptight/obnoxious etc. etc."
And people who ask me out who I maybe like, I get stuck in an ethical dilemma: If I say yes, am I just saying yes to appease my loneliness/stop people from judging me for being single/because I'm bored? Wouldn't I therefore be using this poor sod (which is wrong) and leading him on (which can lead to bad, bad things) and not really "giving him a chance"? If I say yes, because I think I like him, do I like him enough to commit myself to a higher level of emotional attachment than I am used to--- only for him to discover that he hates me or has insane expectations of me that I'm SO not comfortable with? Am I prepared to deal with the new level of judging/nagging/nose-poking from the other people in my life, especially from those whose judgement I value/scorn? Usually, it is easier to say no, and so I do.
And through all of this I conduct myself by being insane/ditsy/passive aggressive . . . a freakish not-me.
Anyways, sorry to be lengthy and Bridget-Jones about all of this, but it is kind of a big hang up for me, that I need to GET OVER. Because seriously, EVERYONE feels like this. (Well, that's what I'm telling myself. Hope it's true.)
18. Work collaboratively on a creative project with a friend.
I really like collaborating and getting creative with other creative people. It is an incredible experience creating something together and helping to make an artistic vision come alive for someone. I'd really like to work with one of my many talented friends.
19. Make a film of some sort.
I'm a filmmaker. I should probably make a film. It can be short, it can be avant-garde, it can be a low-budget video blog. But it must involve some sort of forethought/planning and some sort of post-production. It also must not be terrible (by my standards at least).
20. Design and publish a family newsletter.
I have a giant family (probably approaching 100 people, if not pushing it). It is really hard to keep track of what is happening in everyone's life outside of the big things (life & death matters, and perhaps marriages). But people are always doing interesting things: producing art, getting new jobs or promotions, working on innovative projects, achieving things in school, moving, traveling. It would be great to keep people more up-to-date.
21. Create some photo albums for myself, and the family.
With digital photos, I don't have physical copies of most of my favorite photos. I'd like to start printing my photos and making albums that I can look at when I don't want the computer on. My parents also have tons of photos (developed and digital) that are completely unorganized. I'd like to make them some albums so they can look back on memories and fun times with greater ease.
22. Travel more.
I've found out this summer, I really like to road-trip and travel, even just for weekend or 3/4-day trips. I'd like to plan more excursions to visit friends and family, and see the sights that are reachable by 1-6hr drives. I'd like to see the more local sites and those father away. If I can I'd like to make it Ann Arbor and Boston. Maybe even Canada.
23. Establish an organizational system for my creative ideas.
While I'm creating a writing routine, I need to figure out a way to organize my ideas. I have ideas for stories, poems, larger things like movies or tv shows, cards, blog posts etc. But my ideas, when I remember to write them down, are all over the place, on bits of paper, notepads, computer files, various journals, inside books that I've jotted on. I need a way to streamline things and get things together.
24. Decide/learn wtf to do with my hair (and face).
Two years ago I decided to cut my hair short. But I still haven't settled on a cut or style I'm completely happy with, although I do like having it short. I also need to face up to the face that with short hair, it's probably going to require at least a little bit of styling on my part, especially if I want something with a bit of attitude (which I do). So despite being lazy and loving a roll-out-of-bed technique, I need to learn some basics of hair styling. And I should probably learn more about doing my make-up, by which I mean, come to some sort of understanding with things like eye shadow, lip liner, and bronzer (what is it for? is is the new blush? what is happening?).
Bonus goal:
25. Have a wardrobe clean-out.
I tried to do this to some degree this summer, and I got rid of a decent amount of stuff, but I was still not very strict about it. Now that I'm an adult (i.e. going to a job every day) I need to reevaluate my clothes and decided what is really realistic to keep. I definitely have stuff that doesn't fit me anymore and stuff (and jewelry) that I should get around to repairing.
All of this is happening in conjunction with my New Year's Resolution:
Do more stuff that I want to do. Say yes to things.
1. Learn some sewing.
This is a skill. Having it can save you money and make your clothes last longer. I'd like to learn some actual stitches and when it is best to use them. I'd like to learn how to "take things in (out)" and to hem pants and skirts, and do basic repairs.
2. Get a better job (biggest, scariest goal)
This is pretty self-explanatory. I'm not terribly thrilled about my job in terms of where it can take me and what I can learn. I'd like to find somewhere that is more of a stepping stone to what I want to be doing ten years from now.
3. Move out
Goes with #2 in being big and scary. I'd really like to have my own place. Being at home has its financial and locational benefits, but I really need to establish myself on my own, have my own space, and stop clinging to what is familiar.
4. Actually write something. By which I mean, actually finish a work of narrative writing or memoir. By which I mean, actually finish a draft, do revisions, get notes, do more revisions, and then finish it.
I fancy myself a writer or aspiring writer, but I never bloody write anything. I've got loads of ideas, but I never finish anything. I am constantly starting new things. This is not because I am some sort of prolific creative genius, this is because I am lazy, writing is bloody difficult, and writing freaks me out because I overreact and end up psychoanyalzing myself and questioning my worthiness.
5. Learn to iron.
Embarrassed to say, still have never done this, so goal = self-explanatory. In my defense, do have many strategies for never wrinkling anything. This is probably my easiest goal to achieve. So if I don't accomplish at least 1 on this list, it will truly be pathetic.
6. Go to California for vacation.
I have many friends in California who I would like to visit. I would really love to spend a long holiday in California seeing these people. I can make this work if I start planning early, save up some money (stop spending it on silly things) and make this a priority.
7. Improve photography skills.
Most of the minimal photography knowledge I have has been forgotten. I want to get a better grip of the technical aspect of photography and creating images.
8. Learn Photoshop and/or InDesign. or similar.
I'd like to get down some of these basic software skills to make myself more marketable and to produce more stuff for work, myself, family, whatever.
9. Establish an exercise routine, preferably attend a class.
I need to get back in shape, if only for self-image and mental health reasons. After junior year of college, my exercising habits just completely fell off the face of the earth for various reasons. But I'd like to have stronger muscles like I used to, improve my lung capacity, work off some stress, and just feel healthier.
I am also afraid of gyms, because I have never been a part of one and don't know the etiquette, so it would be nice to conquer some of those irrational fears by at least attending a class. But I won't make that a requirement for accomplishing this goal.
10. Establish a writing routine.
In keeping with the routine-establishing theme, I would also like to discover a writing routine that works for me. Most writers have writing habits that help them stay on track and function. "Write every day" is the common mantra, and I'd like to figure out a way to make that work for me. I already know a few things about my writing habits: driving helps me open up my mind, nature inspires me, looking at images helps me write, I get very creative late at night, I get blocked around my family, I usually do brainstorming, planning and short excerpts by hand and then move to the laptop, I like to write in bed. I can put all these things together to establish some habits.
11. Get better at budgeting.
Financial management has started to interest me. I'd like to get better at running a personal budget and a business budget, and learn more business and marketing strategy.
12. Improve my blog.
I should get a better structure going, decide where I see this going, improve its design, and plan out content more.
13. Complete a collection of poems. Get at least one of them published.
When I do write, I often end up writing poems. They are a good way of expressing myself. I'd like to actually put together a collection (15-20 poems). This means looking for themes, studying form more, getting notes from people who know about poetry (whoever they are) and probably writing a good 30-40 poems in order to seek out the really good ones. (I think I have about 10 solid poems so far.)
I'd like to publish one 1) to prove to myself that my poems are good and 2) to prove to myself that poetry is not completely irrelevant, because I'm not entirely convinced.
14. Play more music.
I have barely touched the piano for the past two years. But it was something I enjoyed. There was a point in my life when I really wanted to learn more music theory, understand music construction, and wanted to practice more seriously. People discouraged me, and now I usually don't because I'm afraid of people making fun of how badly I am at it, or getting annoyed at me practicing, but those are terrible reasons to hold myself back from doing something I want to do.
15. Read more.
I've taken to just watching lots of tv shows online during my spare time, but that means I'm missing out on lots of reading, great stories, and great literary forms. I would like to read more books, articles, and poetry and expand my horizons. (I reserve the right to count audio books towards this goal.)
16. Maintain a journal of the things I do in my life.
I haven't ever kept a journal of the things I've done like vacations, events, parties, meaningful experiences or encounters. I keep a lot of trinkets and mementos, but now looking back everything is a bit of a muddle. I often can't remember what year or how old I was when things happen or the details of an experience. I plan to start a journal or scrap book when I collect all those things and write down everything I remember. I've started already, but already fallen behind. I've only finished covering everything that happened in June. There are many things from July and August I need to record!
17. Go on a date without drama (real or imaginary). Generally, freak out about romance much much less.
I was debating whether to air this goal or not, but decided, what the hell. Also, if I don't fess up to making this a goal, I will definitely NOT do anything about it. But, wow, I really suck at romance. I tend to flee. I've come to the conclusion that: I am still afraid of boys. I make friends with guys just as easily as the next person, and enjoying having passing crushes just as much as the next person, but once things start to look like it might GET REAL, I can seriously FLIP OUT.
If I don't like someone who is making advances, I get really REALLY angry at them if they don't back off, like, RIGHT AWAY. I get offended at the assumptions I assume they are making about me. I pray that they will drop off the face of the earth and that I will never EVER have to see them again. Plus, generally, I think being presumptuous is one of the worst things someone can do (yes, I know, that it ridiculous of me) so I can seriously become a fiery, tower of rage if I think someone is forcing their company upon me after I have given back-off signals.
People I do like, I automatically assume would 1) never go out with me and have much cooler, prettier, whatever-ier girls to go out with, 2) have probably never noticed me and 3) if they have noticed me, have done so with the thought: "Wow, that girl is really weird (bad weird)/gross/a complete mess/uptight/obnoxious etc. etc."
And people who ask me out who I maybe like, I get stuck in an ethical dilemma: If I say yes, am I just saying yes to appease my loneliness/stop people from judging me for being single/because I'm bored? Wouldn't I therefore be using this poor sod (which is wrong) and leading him on (which can lead to bad, bad things) and not really "giving him a chance"? If I say yes, because I think I like him, do I like him enough to commit myself to a higher level of emotional attachment than I am used to--- only for him to discover that he hates me or has insane expectations of me that I'm SO not comfortable with? Am I prepared to deal with the new level of judging/nagging/nose-poking from the other people in my life, especially from those whose judgement I value/scorn? Usually, it is easier to say no, and so I do.
And through all of this I conduct myself by being insane/ditsy/passive aggressive . . . a freakish not-me.
Anyways, sorry to be lengthy and Bridget-Jones about all of this, but it is kind of a big hang up for me, that I need to GET OVER. Because seriously, EVERYONE feels like this. (Well, that's what I'm telling myself. Hope it's true.)
18. Work collaboratively on a creative project with a friend.
I really like collaborating and getting creative with other creative people. It is an incredible experience creating something together and helping to make an artistic vision come alive for someone. I'd really like to work with one of my many talented friends.
19. Make a film of some sort.
I'm a filmmaker. I should probably make a film. It can be short, it can be avant-garde, it can be a low-budget video blog. But it must involve some sort of forethought/planning and some sort of post-production. It also must not be terrible (by my standards at least).
20. Design and publish a family newsletter.
I have a giant family (probably approaching 100 people, if not pushing it). It is really hard to keep track of what is happening in everyone's life outside of the big things (life & death matters, and perhaps marriages). But people are always doing interesting things: producing art, getting new jobs or promotions, working on innovative projects, achieving things in school, moving, traveling. It would be great to keep people more up-to-date.
21. Create some photo albums for myself, and the family.
With digital photos, I don't have physical copies of most of my favorite photos. I'd like to start printing my photos and making albums that I can look at when I don't want the computer on. My parents also have tons of photos (developed and digital) that are completely unorganized. I'd like to make them some albums so they can look back on memories and fun times with greater ease.
22. Travel more.
I've found out this summer, I really like to road-trip and travel, even just for weekend or 3/4-day trips. I'd like to plan more excursions to visit friends and family, and see the sights that are reachable by 1-6hr drives. I'd like to see the more local sites and those father away. If I can I'd like to make it Ann Arbor and Boston. Maybe even Canada.
23. Establish an organizational system for my creative ideas.
While I'm creating a writing routine, I need to figure out a way to organize my ideas. I have ideas for stories, poems, larger things like movies or tv shows, cards, blog posts etc. But my ideas, when I remember to write them down, are all over the place, on bits of paper, notepads, computer files, various journals, inside books that I've jotted on. I need a way to streamline things and get things together.
24. Decide/learn wtf to do with my hair (and face).
Two years ago I decided to cut my hair short. But I still haven't settled on a cut or style I'm completely happy with, although I do like having it short. I also need to face up to the face that with short hair, it's probably going to require at least a little bit of styling on my part, especially if I want something with a bit of attitude (which I do). So despite being lazy and loving a roll-out-of-bed technique, I need to learn some basics of hair styling. And I should probably learn more about doing my make-up, by which I mean, come to some sort of understanding with things like eye shadow, lip liner, and bronzer (what is it for? is is the new blush? what is happening?).
Bonus goal:
25. Have a wardrobe clean-out.
I tried to do this to some degree this summer, and I got rid of a decent amount of stuff, but I was still not very strict about it. Now that I'm an adult (i.e. going to a job every day) I need to reevaluate my clothes and decided what is really realistic to keep. I definitely have stuff that doesn't fit me anymore and stuff (and jewelry) that I should get around to repairing.
All of this is happening in conjunction with my New Year's Resolution:
Do more stuff that I want to do. Say yes to things.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Animations from the Museum of Moving Image
Last weekend I went to the fabulous Museum of Moving Image. I've been to this museum twice before, and it is terrific! They have fascinating exhibits (seasonal and permanent) with fun screenings, and many enlightening and fun interactive activities for visitors (even for know-it-all film buffs like myself and my friends). One learns a lot about the moving image, film history, film art, and more very easily. I'm constantly impressed by their programming and events!
One of their feature interactive activities there this time was an animation station! We only managed to make a few short and silly animations, but it was really fun and required a surprising amount of concentration!
"Water is life" --- a brief reflection on the circle of life, evolution, this history of the world
"Victorious Rainbow" --- made by my friend, with my assistance, and involving several moving pieces at a time!
One of their feature interactive activities there this time was an animation station! We only managed to make a few short and silly animations, but it was really fun and required a surprising amount of concentration!
"Water is life" --- a brief reflection on the circle of life, evolution, this history of the world
"Victorious Rainbow" --- made by my friend, with my assistance, and involving several moving pieces at a time!
museum of moving image
Music this week: Oldies but goodies!
Two weekends ago, I visited some historical homes for a fun and local(ish) holiday. I visited the Winterthur Museum & Gardens in Delaware and the Physick Estate in Cape May, NJ. Both of the homes were beautiful and full of fascinating little details, and it was a very fun and full weekend!
All of this rummaging around in the past got me in the mood for some old-timey tunes! Here is a selection of the my favorites I've come across lately:
1. "Too Young" - Nat King Cole
I've always loved Nat King Cole's smooth voice. And this sweeping, romantic song is just the thing.
2. "Let Us Be Sweethearts" - Guy Mitchell
Yes, let's.
3. Love Letters In the Sand - Bert Ambrose
This song is actually sad but deceptively jolly-sounding. You just want to get up and dance (unfortunately on this grave of the singer's fickle romance). This one was on repeat a lot!
4. Cosmic - The Special Ks
Ok, I also stumbled across this pop (electronic?) band and enjoyed their tunes. My favorites were Cosmic and Crystal Fields.
Listen here.
All of this rummaging around in the past got me in the mood for some old-timey tunes! Here is a selection of the my favorites I've come across lately:
1. "Too Young" - Nat King Cole
I've always loved Nat King Cole's smooth voice. And this sweeping, romantic song is just the thing.
2. "Let Us Be Sweethearts" - Guy Mitchell
Yes, let's.
3. Love Letters In the Sand - Bert Ambrose
This song is actually sad but deceptively jolly-sounding. You just want to get up and dance (unfortunately on this grave of the singer's fickle romance). This one was on repeat a lot!
4. Cosmic - The Special Ks
Ok, I also stumbled across this pop (electronic?) band and enjoyed their tunes. My favorites were Cosmic and Crystal Fields.
Listen here.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Come On Get Crafty: Home in the Desert
Here is the final card from my weekend crafting exploits. Like the cards from the previous post, I'd started this card a while ago but only got around to finishing it recently.
If I remember correctly, I cut this picture from a NY Times article about a desert homestead. The man being featured in the article basically made this awesome living place from repurposed shipping containers in the Texas desert. It sounds like such a fascinated place, and his story of developing the off-grid back-to-the-land home was so creative and inspiring.
I wanted the card to reflect the cheerfulness and positivity I felt from the story and in the photographs, and the somewhat whimsical elements of the homestead's design. I liked the colors of the green and blue, keeping the image fresh and relaxing, countered with the more desert-y colors of the butterflies (also in keeping with the whimsy), but the solid colors made it too stark. The little house looked too alone and got too intense a stare.
It took me a while to come up with the pattern for the background, but I think I found a good balance keeping with the natural theme and the cheerfulness (although I think my hand-drawn butterflies are a little sloppy).
If I remember correctly, I cut this picture from a NY Times article about a desert homestead. The man being featured in the article basically made this awesome living place from repurposed shipping containers in the Texas desert. It sounds like such a fascinated place, and his story of developing the off-grid back-to-the-land home was so creative and inspiring.
I wanted the card to reflect the cheerfulness and positivity I felt from the story and in the photographs, and the somewhat whimsical elements of the homestead's design. I liked the colors of the green and blue, keeping the image fresh and relaxing, countered with the more desert-y colors of the butterflies (also in keeping with the whimsy), but the solid colors made it too stark. The little house looked too alone and got too intense a stare.
It took me a while to come up with the pattern for the background, but I think I found a good balance keeping with the natural theme and the cheerfulness (although I think my hand-drawn butterflies are a little sloppy).
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