Wednesday, October 17, 2018

30 Things Before 31

I don't know why I took so long to officially commit to this list.  I worked on this list for about a month before my birthday! I have already started working on some of them.  Perhaps it has something to do with turning 30 and feeling like I haven't accomplished anything in life.  Perhaps it is just the fear of committing to something and failing. But I want my 30s to be a time for me to be braver and do more things! I have actually already accomplished some big things around money management, and am having to have the unplanned experience of buying a new car from a dealership which I have never done before!

So here it goes.

  1. Finish Grandma’s Poetry book before family reunion in July
  2. Lose 10 lbs
  3. Send Christmas Cards
  4. Go to the dentist
  5. Use sewing machine to make or alter something
  6. Make my own business cards and/or personal website
  7. Complete 2018 scrapbook
  8. Go to 5 concerts - 1/4 Florence + the Machine in October!
  9. Buy a DSLR
  10. Take voice lessons or join a choir or something similarly musical
  11. Get a new doctor
  12. Pay back $ I owe my parents 
  13. Visit Morven
  14. Find a tailor
  15. Design my own postcards
  16. Finish t-shirt yarn rug
  17. Write a song
  18. Go to London
  19. Clean up files from home computer
  20. Go to a Tarot reader
  21. Make a career plan
  22. Watch these movies: True Cost, Love Witch, McQueen, Yellow Is Forbidden, Westwood, Coco, Ghostbusters (2016), American Honey, Jinn, Meditation Park, The Riders, Woman Walks Ahead, Find Me, June Falling Down (by a filmmaker I know), Films by/featuring Troian Bellisario: Clara / We are Here / Feed, On The Town
  23. Read these books: Growing Pains by Billie Piper, Big Magic, When Women Wrote Hollywood, Living a Feminist Life, All the Single Ladies, Swamplandia, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Murder at the Breakers (just for fun), TBD something by Louise Erdrich, Eloquent Rage by Brittney Cooper, My Life On the Road by Gloria Steinem 
  24. Write and shoot a short film (can be super short!)
  25. Revisit how I am investing my pension
  26. Work on a friend’s film project
  27. Go to see 4 plays
  28. Write 12 blog posts or articles.
  29. Submit poetry to publications/contests 3 times
  30. Go to at least 3 NYWIFT events

Bonus Goals

  • Cook a chicken or roast
  • Get rid of all the clothes I don’t want! - Over the past week I have donated a bag of stuff to the local high school, sold about 10 items and consigned 20 more!  It feels good to get rid of physical and mental baggage!
  • Visit Jim Henson exhibit at MoMI
  • Get Charlie Harper poster framed

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

29 Things: Progress Report Week 46

I'm disappointed that I didn't accomplish more of my goals this year, but I'm really read for a new start!

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

No progress.

2. Lose weight - year long

TINYPROGRESS - Haven't gained back any weight from last week!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

29 Things: Progress Report Week 46

I feel like I need to chose a few achievable goals to try to complete during the next 4 weeks.  Numbers 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 16, 21, and 22 seem reasonable.

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

No progress.

2. Lose weight - year long

TINYPROGRESS - I haven't lost any more weight, but I haven't gained any either.  I need to better to take advantage of the summertime weather and get outdoors to exercise a bit.

Monday, July 9, 2018

29 Things: Progress Report Week 45

I've still got a month to go, but I feel like I wrapping up the year when I should be trying to polish off a few more of these things.

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

No progress.  I've sort of jotted some things down, but I haven't really been working very hard on this.

2. Lose weight - year long

TINYPROGRESS - I apparently have lost 5 lbs, but I tend to just gain it right back so I am a little skeptical.

3. Learn rudimentary Spanish - year long

No progress.

4. Make a video of some kind each month (outside of work) - year long

No progress.

5. Actually do my blog post each month - year long

No progress.

6. Do a really good job at my mentoring program! - year long

We still haven't been able to set up a dinner date.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

29 Things: Progress Report Week 43

Slowly trying to get back into the swing of things.

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

No progress.

2. Lose weight - year long

No progress.

3. Learn rudimentary Spanish - year long

No progress.

4. Make a video of some kind each month (outside of work) - year long

No progress.

5. Actually do my blog post each month - year long

No progress.

6. Do a really good job at my mentoring program! - year long

We still haven't been able to set up a dinner date.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

29 Things: Progress Report Week 41

I've been feeling like absolute garbage and like I have no control over my life. I have not been focusing on these things at all for the last 4 weeks.

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

No progress.

2. Lose weight - year long

Maybe, I'm not sure.  I actually did exercise 3 times last week.

3. Learn rudimentary Spanish - year long

No progress.

4. Make a video of some kind each month (outside of work) - year long

No progress.

5. Actually do my blog post each month - year long

No progress.

6. Do a really good job at my mentoring program! - year long

TINYPROGRESS - My mentoring program is over, but my mentor and I are trying to set up a time to get dinner.

Monday, May 14, 2018

29 Things Progress Report: Week 37

I still have not been focused on any of my goals for the past few weeks.  But I have been feeling myself come alive and getting back into my creative projects.  Semester is finally OVER and grading is DONE. I really want to get back on the ball with my poetry and writing for a while.  I REALLY want to get back into my exercising.  I am always more alert when I have a exercise routine.  I've also really got to break the habit of just vegging on tv whenever I don't feel like doing something 'productive' or have some downtime!

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

No progress.

2. Lose weight - year long

TINYPROGRESS - I have started up my exercising yet again! (This is 3rd or 4th restart so far this year). 

3. Learn rudimentary Spanish - year long

No progress.

4. Make a video of some kind each month (outside of work) - year long

PROGRESS - I filmed the footage for a 3rd video in my series.  I have to draft my voice over and then edit.

5. Actually do my blog post each month - year long

No progress.

6. Do a really good job at my mentoring program! - year long

PROGRESS - I had a great conversation with my mentor a few weeks ago and we'll be seeing each other at an event in a few weeks.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

29 Things Progress Report: Week 34

The semester is ending soon. Spring is slow starting to creep back into our lives. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer!

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

TINY PROGRESS - I haven't really written anything cohesive but I've started to feel the inspiration coming back.

2. Lose weight - year long

PROGRESS - I've started my workout again--- actually trying a different one that is more fun and involves dancing around to country music!

3. Learn rudimentary Spanish - year long

No progress.

4. Make a video of some kind each month (outside of work) - year long

PROGRESS - Major progress!  I actually kicked myself in the butt and made some fun, short videos

5. Actually do my blog post each month - year long

No progress.

6. Do a really good job at my mentoring program! - year long

PROGRESS - I've been making a conscious effort to follow up on some things I am supposed to be doing.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

29 Things Progress Report: Week 32

My life is slowly crawling out of chaos, so I don't think I've made much progress but I feel myself getting back into the swing.  I finally got my haircut after 3-4 months and I am feeling human again. I also did my taxes which I always think I'm going to do in February.

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

TINY PROGRESS - I have been struggling with writing, my brain has either been too preoccupied with other things or having trouble focusing or feeling open.  But I manage to actually draft a poem about a squirrel climbing a tree this week.

2. Lose weight - year long

Not progress. I've completely fall out of sync with my workout plan and was totally PMSing and pigged out on some junk food.

3. Learn rudimentary Spanish - year long

No progress.

4. Make a video of some kind each month (outside of work) - year long

No progress.

5. Actually do my blog post each month - year long

No progress.

6. Do a really good job at my mentoring program! - year long

No progress.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

29 Things Progress Report: Week 31

Wow, so I haven't done a progress report for basically a month, meaning I haven't evaluated how I'm doing with my goals for that long! March was a MESS for me and I got complete thrown off track with everything.  Starting this past weekend I've started to reign things back in and get myself in order.

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

No progress.

2. Lose weight - year long

Progress - Although I haven't fully been following the workouts and eating plans for my fitness group I have been making improvements.  I did the workouts all last week and I have been for the most part tracking my food and modifying my diet to have more fruits and vegetables and less carbs while also doing better to resist junk food.  Not sure if I actually have lost weight but that's ok.

3. Learn rudimentary Spanish - year long

No progress.

4. Make a video of some kind each month (outside of work) - year long

No progress.

5. Actually do my blog post each month - year long

No progress. I should be able to do this! I have several ideas!

6. Do a really good job at my mentoring program! - year long

No progress.

7. Watch These Movies:

No progress.
  • The Butler (Sept)
  • As Good As You (Oct)
  • I Am Not Your Negro (Nov)
  • Carol (Dec)
  • Daughters of the Dust (Jan)
  • Wild (Feb)
  • La Dolce Vita (Mar)
  • Imitations of Life (April)
  • Song of the Sea (May)
  • Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (June)
  • Spirited Away (July)
  • Patti Cakes (Aug)

8. Read Books That I Own:

No progress.
  • Girl with a Gun (Sept)
  • How to Not Be a Boy (Oct) 
  • Savage Grace (Nov)
  • Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud (Dec)
  • All the Single Ladies (Jan)
  • Women In Clothes (Feb)
  • The Beauty Myth (April)
  • We Were Feminist Once (June)
  • Peter Pan (July)
  • Swamplandia (Aug)

Monday, March 5, 2018

29 Things: Week 27

I spent several days at a film festival, and the list past week I have not felt very good so I have been falling back into many bad habits and not making progress on much of anything!  The weather has also been getting me down; I am really ready for it to get 10 degrees warmer so I can stop having to wear so many layers, but it definitely won't really be getting any warmer for the next 2 weeks.  That really disheartens me.

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

No progress.

2. Lose weight - year long

Progress - I have joined a fitness group for the month of March.  I'm curious if I can come up with a new routine for eating healthier (I ate lots of junk food this week which I think contributed to why I feel lousy) and exercising more.  Hopefully having accountability will help me stick with it for long enough that I stick with it!

3. Learn rudimentary Spanish - year long

No progress.

4. Make a video of some kind each month (outside of work) - year long

No progress.

5. Actually do my blog post each month - year long

No progress. I've got a plan for this month, I should just sit down and type it out.

6. Do a really good job at my mentoring program! - year long

No progress.

7. Watch These Movies:

Progress! I got the chance to see Patti Cake$ at the Athena Film Festival.  I really loved it! None of the leads were white men (actually almost none of the characters were white dudes).  The film both addressed negative stereotypes and diverse experience while ultimately being a really feel-good, funny film.  I recommend!
  • The Butler (Sept)
  • As Good As You (Oct)
  • I Am Not Your Negro (Nov)
  • Carol (Dec)
  • Daughters of the Dust (Jan)
  • Wild (Feb)
  • La Dolce Vita (Mar)
  • Imitations of Life (April)
  • Song of the Sea (May)
  • Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (June)
  • Spirited Away (July)
  • Patti Cakes (Aug)

8. Read Books That I Own:

PROGRESS!  I finished Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud and have moved on to All the Single Ladies (only about 10 pages in though).
  • Girl with a Gun (Sept)
  • How to Not Be a Boy (Oct) 
  • Savage Grace (Nov)
  • Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud (Dec)
  • All the Single Ladies (Jan)
  • Women In Clothes (Feb)
  • The Beauty Myth (April)
  • We Were Feminist Once (June)
  • Peter Pan (July)
  • Swamplandia (Aug)

Monday, February 19, 2018

29 Things: Week 25

I do not think I have been super focused over the last week.  I think I spent a lot of my free time relaxing and being happy that spring might be here soon.

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

No progress.

2. Lose weight - year long

Progress - I have been feeling like I might be losing weight a bit, according to the scale I've lost 4 pounds (even after eating candy all weekend).  Not sure if that is really meaningful but I choose to take it as a step in the right direction.  I haven't really been able to get to gym just due to scheduling.  I should come up with some mini workouts to do at home.

3. Learn rudimentary Spanish - year long

No progress.

4. Make a video of some kind each month (outside of work) - year long

No progess.  I should have done some work on this over the weekend but I forgot. 

5. Actually do my blog post each month - year long

No progress.

6. Do a really good job at my mentoring program! - year long

No progress.

7. Watch These Movies:

No progress.
  • The Butler (Sept)
  • As Good As You (Oct)
  • I Am Not Your Negro (Nov)
  • Carol (Dec)
  • Daughters of the Dust (Jan)
  • Wild (Feb)
  • La Dolce Vita (Mar)
  • Imitations of Life (April)
  • Song of the Sea (May)
  • Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (June)
  • Spirited Away (July)
  • Patti Cakes (Aug)

8. Read Books That I Own:

PROGRESS!  I was hoping to finish TFTSTL this week but I only made it to pg 150. 85 pages left!
  • Girl with a Gun (Sept)
  • How to Not Be a Boy (Oct) 
  • Savage Grace (Nov)
  • Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud (Dec)
  • All the Single Ladies (Jan)
  • Women In Clothes (Feb)
  • The Beauty Myth (April)
  • We Were Feminist Once (June)
  • Peter Pan (July)
  • Swamplandia (Aug)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

29 Things: Week 24

I feel like I was working hard and being busy all last week--- and this week too so far--- but not sure how much progress I made on my own goals!

How did I do this week?

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

TINYPROGRESS - I wrote one new poem that I like.  I should really make some time to go back and edit some old ones.  I also have crazy scribbles all over some of my notebooks. I really should go back through those and see if I should make something real out of those.

2. Lose weight - year long

No Progress - I haven't been able to make it back to the gym just because of some random scheduling issues.

3. Learn rudimentary Spanish - year long

No progress.

4. Make a video of some kind each month (outside of work) - year long

TINYPROGRESS - I have started outlining and actually storyboarding two projects, and discussed one with a friend and possible collaborator.  I am not sure that I will be able to actually shoot something for several months because I am teaching and have other obligations for a while, but that means I should really start planning now so I am ready when my schedule and the weather clears!

5. Actually do my blog post each month - year long

TINYPROGRESS - I have started planning two posts for this month.

6. Do a really good job at my mentoring program! - year long

PROGRESS - I met with my mentor and had a really good discussion. She's actually going to look into something for me.  It is also so fun to have someone to enthusiastically discuss film technique, style, process, and substance!

7. Watch These Movies:

No progress.
  • The Butler (Sept)
  • As Good As You (Oct)
  • I Am Not Your Negro (Nov)
  • Carol (Dec)
  • Daughters of the Dust (Jan)
  • Wild (Feb)
  • La Dolce Vita (Mar)
  • Imitations of Life (April)
  • Song of the Sea (May)
  • Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (June)
  • Spirited Away (July)
  • Patti Cakes (Aug)

8. Read Books That I Own:

PROGRESS!  I am trying to catch up!  I'm about 100 pages into TFTSTL.  I'm hoping to finish it within 1.5 weeks and get started on All the Single Ladies.
  • Girl with a Gun (Sept)
  • How to Not Be a Boy (Oct) 
  • Savage Grace (Nov)
  • Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud (Dec)
  • All the Single Ladies (Jan)
  • Women In Clothes (Feb)
  • The Beauty Myth (April)
  • We Were Feminist Once (June)
  • Peter Pan (July)
  • Swamplandia (Aug)

Monday, February 5, 2018

29 Things: Week 23

How did I do this week?

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

TINYPROGRESS - I scribbled down a few new things and edited a few older ones.

2. Lose weight - year long

TINYPROGRESS  - I dragged myself back to the gym!  I tried out a new fitness class that involves banging sticks on the floor! It was actually much harder than I thought it would be!

3. Learn rudimentary Spanish - year long

No progress.

4. Make a video of some kind each month (outside of work) - year long

No progress.

5. Actually do my blog post each month - year long

PROGRESS - I did my post for January.

Monday, January 22, 2018

29 Things: Week 21

I've spent a bunch of time doing work for a course this past week so I was not very focused on my goals.

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

TINYPROGRESS - I've kept writing a little bit, and got some advice from a contact.

2. Lose weight - year long

No Progress.

3. Learn rudimentary Spanish - year long

No progress.

4. Make a video of some kind each month (outside of work) - year long

No progress.

5. Actually do my blog post each month - year long

No progress.  This week I want to make a plan for posts for the next couple of months

Monday, January 15, 2018

29 Things: Week 20

I stayed very focused until Friday.  Then I took lots of naps and ignored all my goals.  😬

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

TINYPROGRESS - I've kept writing but nothing substantial.

2. Lose weight - year long

No Progress.

3. Learn rudimentary Spanish - year long

No progress.

Monday, January 8, 2018

29 Things: Week 19

First week of January! Big snow storm!  I felt like I was really focused at times and completely not focused at others. And I wasted my Sunday evening watching the very boring Golden Globes, even if Oprah was awesome.

1. Work on my poetry (Poetry Journal) - year round

TINYPROGRESS - I kept revising and writing some new stuff (which was mostly drivel).

2. Lose weight - year long

No Progress.  Again, I feel like I lost weight but according to scale so far I haven't.

3. Learn rudimentary Spanish - year long

No progress.