Friday, December 27, 2013

Poem: highways & melodies

highways & melodies

I listen to the drum beat
and hate it

filled with the drag of chairs
the bottoms of cups and glasses

the horrible crumple of plastic
holding food

bang cabinet door, car door
distantly, again
and the next day
and the next morning
and the night

Monday, December 23, 2013

Poem: resting places

I've (finally!) been on a poetry kick.  So sorry, but there might be a bit of an onslaught of poetry posts.

This is the second draft of this poem.  I am always surprised to find just how much I modify my poems after not seeing them for months.  It is pretty interesting to seem the grow and evolve.

I kinda wanted to call this 'resting places for young bones' but that seemed to wordy and ostentatious.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Words to live by

I mentioned this in my previous post.

A beautiful, wise, and soulful bench in the woods:

Poem: t-shirts

This weekend was a true gift in many ways.  Unexpectedly there was some incredibly warm weather for December . . . 60-70 degrees!  Although I had my usual plans of being super responsible-adult productive this weekend, I decided to abandon them to take advantage of this rare opportunity to get outside during the winter.  There are not going to be many more (any more?) chances to comfortably enjoy the outdoors like this until the Spring.

Being out in nature helped me open up my mind.  I saw a very appropriate, sponsored bench that had been engraved "Sit and let your soul be nourished by nature."  Words to live by, in my experience.

Friday, December 20, 2013

10 things to do over holiday break

I'm getting several days off work for the holidays but I have no plans to travel any place or do anything extraordinaire. So this is the perfect to opportunity to do a bunch of things around the house. If I actually do any of this stuff is not the point.

1. Clear out my hulu queue
2. Actually watch my netflix dvds.
3. De-clutter my bedroom . . . so many piles of stuff need to be killed.
4. Get a bunch of new apps on my phone.
5. Get a head-start on seeing the Oscars contenders (or just gobble up as many indie movies in a 20 mile radius as possible)
6. Have friends I can trust over and do a merciless closet culling.
7. Take photos
8. Finish reading something.
9. Write some serious poems.
10. Write a million letters to everyone I know who has given me their address.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Worries & Choices

The year is coming to a close.  And what I have been feeling a lot of lately is worry.  Today I'm worrying about worrying about worrying.

It's December.  The year is over.  Did I do enough this year?  Did I do anything this year?  Or did I just throw this year away?

I know in my head that I did do things this year.  But right now in my bones, there is anxiety that I'm letting my life pass me by.  A new year is coming.  What am I going to do with it?  How am I going to make it astronomically more meaningful, more more than last year?  It feels like a lot of pressure.