Sunday, December 22, 2013

Poem: t-shirts

This weekend was a true gift in many ways.  Unexpectedly there was some incredibly warm weather for December . . . 60-70 degrees!  Although I had my usual plans of being super responsible-adult productive this weekend, I decided to abandon them to take advantage of this rare opportunity to get outside during the winter.  There are not going to be many more (any more?) chances to comfortably enjoy the outdoors like this until the Spring.

Being out in nature helped me open up my mind.  I saw a very appropriate, sponsored bench that had been engraved "Sit and let your soul be nourished by nature."  Words to live by, in my experience.

I've been having a lot more writing inspiration lately, so I took some long walks, took some pretty photos, and tried to come up with solutions for some of my story problems.  I also churned out some poem fragments and a couple complete poems, and revised some old drafts.

This one has the possibility of some rhyming, but when I started trying it out, it made it sound silly and sing-songy so I decided to avoid it in the end.  But the potential is still very much there.  Maybe I will revisit the issue and try again.


you can't keep all your memories
when you don't have enough space

let's pick and choose
which ones keep and which to erase

First, I'll keep the ones I love the most
And after that, a couple, several more

I know it's up to me in the end
but I'll pretend you have a say

it's easier, it's harder
more black and white

sometimes I won't listen
what else are friends for?

You convince me on most things
but I still keep the ones I can't look at
despite what you say.

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