Saturday, December 17, 2011

In which I design my own Doctor Who episode:

Instead of writing my final paper,  I spent some time this morning catching up on all the blogs I read.  One of my favorite blogs is of course the BBC America blog: Anglophenia.

They've been going a little overboard lately with all the Doctor Who posts, probably to keep the Whovian momentum going Stateside, but I try not to read most of the Doctor Who posts because I find they make the episodes a little less exciting.

Any who (hehehe), I actually took a glance at this one today because I love the Adipose and would totally love a free Adipose toy, although I would never win their competition.  But the question you had to answer was: If you were to create an alien race for the Doctor to encounter in Season 7, what would they be like?

I'd have to give this more thought to be truly creative, but for some reason--- maybe because it is Christmastime or maybe because the Adipose are so cute--- the first thing that I thought of was:

"I think there should be aliens who are glowing, floaty auras of happiness.  They always try to think positively and take delight in the wonders of the world."

For the plot of this episode, I would have humans trying to colonize their planet (because let's face it, there are always aliens trying to take over OUR planet and the Doctor has to boot them off the island, let's try it the other way around for a change).  But these colonizing humans are on deadline, overworked, and stressed because of the bureaucracy of their company--- all of the humans' negative energy and stress starts polluting the environment my happy aliens need to survive and they start turning green and blue and dying.  The Doctor has to intervene to save them!  It's a story of psychic pollution!

I think it is a pretty great idea!

I don't know what to call my aliens though: Positrons? (too mechanical)  Any thoughts?

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