Monday, September 15, 2014

26 Things Before 27

Another birthday has come and gone.  I have given myself one month to think about what I want to accomplish this year.

I've been thinking a lot about how to accomplish more of my goals.  I have definitely accomplished some things that I wouldn't have if I hadn't started setting goals.  But there are a LOT of goals that I didn't accomplish.  A big part is lack of trying.  A small part is losing interest in those goals.  But another medium size part I think is not setting intelligent goals.  Someone told me about setting S.M.A.R.T. goals---- as a way to set goals that you are more likely and able to accomplish.  So bearing all this in mind, I'm setting my goals for the next year and also setting a couple new rules:
  1. I can tweak and modify goals a bit if I want, to make them more specific and directed or to take them to the next level if I want to expand upon something I have accomplished.
  2. I can throw out a goal if I feel like it is not serving what I truly am aiming to do.  For example last year I had a goal about make-up, but as time went on I realized that this was incredibly unimportant to me.   So I can throw out a goal, BUT I have to replace it with a new one.
  3. Every week, I have to report on here about my progress on 2 of my goals.  I'm hoping this will help me keep engaging with my goal and planning for accomplishing them.
Now for the goals.  I'm going to try to provide some preliminary steps that I can take to get started accomplishing these goals.  I can add steps as I progress and report on my progress getting through those steps.  So here is what I'm going to be trying to do over the next 11 months:

1.  Get a new job and move.
This is a big, big goal.  I am combining the two because they really go hand in hand and it hard to accomplish one without the other.  I am tired of taking up two goals with basically one solution.  I am currently searching for a new job; but I am not applying to jobs as often as I should.  I've finally whipped my resume into good shape and have a solid cover letter or two to work off of.

STEP 1 is to crank out those applications.

2.  Make my own postcards.
This has been a long time goal of mine and I don't think it would be too hard to accomplish.  A graphic designer friend of mine gave me some advice as to the specifications of the card should I order them.

STEP 1: do some research on the cost of ordering some cards.
STEP 2: identify 5 photos I would like to use on the cards
STEP 3: look into how to design my card (using Photoshop, using a online template from a print service)

3.  Write a script
I have many script ideas, but I never write them down because I'm lazy and cowardly.  I want to prove to myself that I can do this, even if it is not very good.  I have had several friends write scripts and they have inspired me to give it a try.  I also want to discover what my process is.  You can't learn what you need to improve on, if you never try anything in the first place.

STEP 1: settle on an story idea I want to tackle
STEP 2: outline my thoughts so far
STEP 3: identify my major problem areas
STEP 4: begin studying my screenwriting books again with this story and these problems in mind

4. Publish a poem
I write a lot of poetry (but not enough to finish a solid collection).  I think it is a rather useless art, but I would like to see if I can get a poem published.  Ideally I would like to get it published online or in some sort of zine or chapbook collection.  I don't know the first thing about publishing poetry though.

STEP 1: do some research into common ways to get poetry published
STEP 2: identify some places where I would like to submit a poem and qualify
STEP 3: select some poems for submission and fine tune them

5. Track my spending/budget
I have been rather unorganized and lackadaisical about tracking how I spend my money.  This is silly.  I would never run a budget or business like this professionally.  There is no excuse to be in such confusion and ignorance in my private affairs.  I have been using a budget system that doesn't quite work for me.  I need to spend some quality time (probably only a day or so) modifying that to something that works a little better for me personally and then stick to it.

STEP 1: Reassess my current budget structure.
STEP 2: Take stock of my current finances.
STEP 3: Develop or find something that will work a bit better.
STEP 4: Identify key rules/habits that will keep me on-top-of things and organized.

6. Apply for a passport
I don't 100% plan on being able to use a passport a lot this year, but this is something that I would like to do and prove that I am capable of doing as a sort of right of passage into adulthood.  I don't have tons of international-travel dreams but I do have some.  Having a passport makes those dreams more likely to happen.

STEP 1:  Figure out how one applies to get a passport.
STEP 2:  Figure out how long it will take.
STEP 3:  Figure out how much it will cost.
STEP 4:  Decide when to begin the application process.

7.  Get new glasses
 I spent money on getting new frames, but I chickened out of actually getting new lenses in them.

STEP 1:  Get exam and up-to-date prescription.
STEP 2:  Identify where to get the glasses made.
STEP 3:  Order the glasses.

8.  Visit Canada
I really want to visit Canada, and given where I live, it really isn't that difficult to get there.

STEP 1:  Decide where I would like to visit (Nova Scotia).
STEP 2:  Decide when I would like to visit and how long.
STEP 3:  Decide who I would like to come with me.
STEP 4:  See if it is possible to plan such a trip.

9.  Alter two items of clothing for myself
I have been wanting to learn to sew so that I can alter clothing.  So instead of the amorphous goal of 'learn to sew' I'm saying that I would like to successfully alter two pieces of clothing to fit me, preferably one top and one skirt.

STEP 1:  Decide who can teach me.
STEP 2:  Get advice as to what would be good starter items to alter.

10.  Get something tailored.
I really want to go to a tailor to get something tailored properly.  But I'm a little intimidated.  But I want to get over that.

STEP 1:  Identify some local tailors and their contact info and advice from others as to the quality of the work.
STEP 2:  Determine how much I am willing to spend.
STEP 3:  Select 2-3 things I would like to attempt to get altered (in case 1-2 alterations are not possible)

11.  Take a fitness class
I would like to get in better shape, but I would also like to take a class to learn some new skills, get professional guidance, and be around other people.  I have already signed up for fitness classes at a gym.  I just have to go to them now.   I have to go to 8 sessions of something.

STEP 1:  Identify which classes I would like to try.
STEP 2:  Get the stuff I need to attend the classes.
STEP 3:  Go to a class!

12.  Read at least 4 of these feminist books:
Lean In, Reverence to Rape, A Room of One's Own, The Second Sex,  The Beauty Myth, MaddAddam, The Feminine Mystique, Bad Feminist

STEP 1:  Pick a book to start with.
STEP 2:  Acquire book.
STEP 3:  Read book.
STEP 4:  Finish book.
STEP 5:  Pick next book to read.

13.  Organize something for Directed By Women--- a global viewing party happening in Sept 2015.

14.  Write those think piece articles I am constantly thinking about.
I have a couple ideas for articles I would like to write *someday* but I never get around to actually working on.  I think I should just get those written!  I specifically have ideas on the tv shows Pretty Little Liars and Bones, and also the movie Snow White and the Huntsman.

STEP 1:  Outline what I would like to say about one of my article ideas.
STEP 2:  Do the relevant research.
STEP 3:  Write a first draft.

15.  Buy a new laptop
Seriously need to do this.  I've got some guidance from some people recently on what to get.  I need to spend a solid day or two figuring out the specifications I want, and then find something in my price range.

STEP 1: Identify the main things I will need my laptop to do.
STEP 2: Work out what the specifications are for what I want.
STEP 3:  Investigate the price range available for what I want.
STEP 4:  Modify expectations or price range.
STEP 5:  Choose a vendor.

16.  Keep to a blogging schedule
I enjoy blogging.  But I tend to go on month-long hiatuses.  And not because I don't have anything to write about.  Usually for stupid reasons.  I would like to get into the habit of writing and turning out content on a more regular basis.  I think it will also help me figure out a writing process that works for me.

STEP 1:  Come up with a blogging schedule.
STEP 2:  Try to stick to it.
STEP 3:  Modify schedule as I figure out what works.  (Don't just abandon it!)

17.  Help a friend make her film a reality
A friend of mine has a script she is currently working on that she would like to try to film in the next year or so.  I think her idea is really cool, I enjoy working with her, and I would love to be on the team that helps get this film made!

STEP 1:  Read script. (So embarrassing I haven't read it all yet.)
STEP 2:  Educate myself on ways to get funding for the script.

18.  Start learning a little web design
I don't really know what this means, but I want to get more code and web design savvy.

STEP 1:  Figure out a good place to start/get advice from people who know about these things

19.  Finish books I have already started:
Survival of the Prettiest, Ishmael/My Ishmael/Story of B, Ode Less Traveled, Anna Karenina, Contagious (by Jonah Berger), Jim Henson: The Biography

STEP 1:  Finish Contagious (will need to return this to the library soon)
STEP 2:  Finish Ishmael
STEP 3:  Finish Survival of the Prettiest

20.  Organize a Clothing Swap or Yard Sale
I have a bunch of clothes to get rid of, and I want to meet other fashion-interested ladies in my area.  Clothing swaps are really fun and a great way to meet other people in your area and be exposed to new styles.  I also think yard sales are kind of fun and it would be an healthy challenge to have one.  So I would like to try to organize one of the two!

STEP 1:  Decide in what month it would be reasonable to expect to host a swap/sale (and decided if there is enough time to prepare).
STEP 2:  Ask others if they would like to help organize, attend etc.

21.  Develop a financial plan for my loans
I would like to take a hard look at my student loans, and see if I can come up with a payment plan that will help me get them paid off faster.

STEP 1:  Revisit all my loan paperwork so I have a firm grasp of all the aspects.
STEP 2:  Find some people I trust and who have expertise that can give me helpful advice.
STEP 3:  Explore options for paying off loans faster than my current monthly installments.

22.  Enroll in new medical insurance plan
I have to enroll in a new medical insurance plan through work this year (October actually).  It is a little overwhelming, but I can totally do this.  I want to make an informed and independent decision.

STEP 1:  Gather the up-to-date information on the plans offered.
STEP 2:  Ask others at my workplace why they opted into one plan or another.
STEP 3:  Talk to the necessary admins to get enrolled.

23.  Watch these 10 classic movies that I have never seen
Malcolm X, Blade Runner, Capote, The Virgin Suicides, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Strangers on a Train (I've seen the only the first 45 mins), Groundhog Day (so I can finally understand the references!),  Rosemary's Baby, Young Frankenstein, Badlands

STEP 1:  Figure out if any of these are available on Netflix Instant

24.  Update a YouTube channel at work
At work I manage a YouTube channel.  It has existed for ~6 years and ~600 videos.  It has not really been managed at all.  I am in the process of trying to clean it up, make it more presentable, and harness all the cool things you can do on a YouTube channel.  However I keep getting distracted or lazy.  I have improved it a lot over the past year, and now some other departments at my workplace are recognizing this.  I would really like to complete a full update to it, especially before I leave.  It is also a great opportunity for me to learn more about social media and SEO, and foster some interdepartmental collaboration.

STEP 1:  Get advice from the marketing department, especially regarding partnership and SEO.
STEP 2:  Develop plan for eliminating bad content.
STEP 3:  Reorganize existing content and develop protocol for new content.

25.  TBD I can't decide on another goal yet!  But I don't want to hold up publishing my list!  So I'll add a new one later.

26.  Private health-related goal.


  1. Yes! This reminds me of all the things I have been meaning to do so I can become the person I want to be. I seem to be easily sidetracked

  2. Let me know if you want suggestions about Canada. I did a family summer trip up to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, New Foundland back in the day. Also, I've been to Toronto and Montreal several times. Applying for a passport isn't a big deal as long as you're not desperate for it. The wait period can be up to 3 months depending on when you apply.

    1. Thanks! That sounds like the exact sort of trip I want to plan!

  3. These look great. Targeted, relevant, and actionable. I've found that splitting big goals into little tiny tasks is very helpful. WRITE DISSERTATION was way too hard but Do Something Dissertation Related for 30 Minutes, is very very easy and it gets the ball rolling. 1 session turns into 2 which turns into 6. Pretty soon you've reached your goals! Also, being flexible with the goals, adjusting them once you learn more, is essential.
