Sunday, April 10, 2016

Progress Report: Week 35

Work and life have been a little stressful and too busy.  April is going to be a very full month.  I've been feeling a little bit disconnected from my goals during the last two weeks, doing things very haphazardly, although I know have been making progress on some things.  I've been trying to do things related to my goals when I have free time or downtime, rather than just vegging for hours.

1. Get passport & travel to Canada - No Progress

2. Take a dance class (not ballet) - PROGRESS
This upcoming week is my last hip hop class, so this goal will be complete soon!  I don't know if I'll keep taking this particular hip hop class because it is very late in the evening and I am often very tired.  However, I have been happy with how much my dancing has improved.  I am still very bad compared to all the other students in the class, but I have been able to follow and get the whole routine by the end of class, and also sometimes forget trying to do everything perfectly and to just enjoy myself!

3.  Find a new doctor - No Progress

4.  Make a short film - TINY PROGRESS
I have a zillion ideas for short films, but there are two I am working on that should be very simple.  I'm hoping to be able to take action on them this month and/or next month.

5.  Make an anthology of my Grandma's poems & writings - PROGRESS
I went through all the poems and came up with a draft of how to order the poems in the collection.  Next I need to read through them all in order to see how I like the flow.  I also need to decide what to do with the poems that are unfinished, or there are multiple versions.  I would like to do this before I see some family in May who might be able to shed some light on certain poems.

6.  Read 5 of these intellectual/feminist books: The Second Sex, Lean In, To the Lighthouse, The Beauty Myth, Reverence to Rape, Sister Outsider, How to Be a Woman, Americanah - TINY PROGRESS
I got To the Lighthouse from the library, and also on audiobook. I started listening to the audiobook and got about 40 minutes in before realizing the audiobook was abridged!  Gah!  Back to page one!

7.  Learn to do a Tarot reading - No Progress

8.  Read 4 of these unfinished reads --- Story of B, Ode Less Traveled, Anna Karenina, Jim Henson: The Biography, Snobs by Julian FellowsBird Cloud by Annie Proulx, Savage Beauty (biography of Edna St. Vincent Millay) - No progress

9.  Watch these 15 movies:  Noah, Rush, The Apartment, Maleficent, Sweetie by Jane Campion, Hateship Loveship, Easy Rider, Dirty Dancing, MaidentripLaggiesDear White People, FridaSaving Mr. Banks, Carousel, Across the Universe - PROGRESS
I watched Hateship, Loveship because it just came onto Netflix.  I also managed to get an interlibrary loan of Sweetie.  I meant to watch it this weekend but did not get to it.

10.  Watch these 10 British movies/miniseries: The Riot Club, God Help the Girl, Pride, Calvary, Nowhere Boy, BirdsongParade's EndArchipelago, The Selfish Giant, Orlando - No Progress

11.  Get back into Master's Program and work towards finish.  TINY PROGRESS
I'm starting to work on my practicum proposal, and to try to organize my practicum site.  I've been having difficulty setting a meeting with the person I want to do my practicum work with.  I'm praying that in the next two weeks I can get this hashed out!!!

12.  Put together a collection of poetry & get one poem published - TINY PROGRESS
I started jotting down the pieces of a poem.  I've actually had several poem ideas lately, but haven't been able to write them all down so most of them got lost.

13.  Finish writing a film script - No Progress

14.  Pay off another of my student loans COMPLETED Week 29

15.  Create postcards with art or photos from family members or friends - No Progress

16.  Make scrapbook for 2015 - No Progress

17.  Keep blogging & Write a post for a professional blog - PROGRESS
I wrote a new post for my feminist blog for this month.  I'm also hoping to write another post for TYCI but I need to pitch an idea soon as posts are due in the next 10 days.

18.  Go to 3 film festivals - COMPLETE!
As I said previously, I have tickets to go to a film festival in May.  I also may try to catch something at the TriBeCa film festival. I really want to go see Andrea Arnold speak because she's one of my favorite filmmakers, but unfortunately I don't think I can make it!!!  There is also a chance to see Meera Menon's new film and hear her talk, which I just might be able to make it to.  There are also talks with Julie Taymor and Jane Campion (two more incredible filmmakers that I admire!!!) but I won't be able to go to those (too expensive to go to everything).  I wish I had paid more attention to what Tribeca offers, and that my April was less crazy, because they have some fabulous stuff going on!

BUT, this week I attended the Princeton Environmental Film Festival.  I caught a shorts block, and met one of the festival directors who suggested I might join their planning committee next year!  I also saw Josh Fox's new film, How to Let Go and Love all the Things Climate Can't Change.

I never realized how inspiring film festival, high profile or smaller, can be.  I'm really glad I made this a priority.

19.  Learn more about car maintenance - No Progress

20.  Do more music stuff - TINY PROGRESS
I decided to tackle a new song on the piano that I was having a little bit of trouble with a few months ago and kinda shelved out of laziness.  Turns out it really wasn't very hard at all.

21.  Learn to use a sewing machine - No Progress

22.  Minor financial task I've been putting off - No Progress

23.  Do a freelance/volunteer video project  COMPLETED

24.  Write an essay on Snow White & the Huntsman - TINY PROGRESS
I started a decent outline for this.  But I wish I could make more progress.


26.  Get my elbow sorted out (it hurts frequently) - No Progress

27.  Do #52FilmsByWomen  - PROGRESS
I've kept up my theme of watching stuff by white women by watching Hateship, Loveship, and watching Jane Campion's just wonderful The Water Diary--- which I've seen before, but I absolutely just love (the simplicity, the power, the emotion, the imaginativeness, the story, the beauty).  Sweetie is next on my list.  But I want to change things up soon!  I'm really frustrated by how hard it is to find some of these films!  I really want to watch a Canadian film called Double Happiness about a Chinese-Canadian girl, but I may have to buy the DVD as with several other films I'm interested in.
Bonus Goals
  • Make postcards from my photos - No Progress
  • Get something tailored - No Progress
  • Buy a new laptop - I still have to transfer a bunch of my files around.
Progress on 12/25 (0/3 Bonus Goals)

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