Monday, December 19, 2016

Progress Report: Week 18

It's been hard to keep up with my goals over the last two months.  I've been feeling depressed and have been having trouble writing and being motivated.  But it's good to check in and make some steps forward no matter how small or few.  The end of the year is coming, and I must look forward to what I can do with some New Year's momentum . . .

1. Finish #52FilmsByWomen challenge (goes until end of 2016)

PROGRESS - I've gotten more behind on this, but I am still chipping away.  I was behind by 3 films and then added 6 more weeks, meaning I should have watched 9 films by now.  I've watched 5 - Miss Julie (didn't like), Adore (found interesting), Absolutely Fabulous The Movie (cute for those who get all the inside jokes), and Black in America Since MLK: and Still I Rise (definitely learned a lot, but felt like some stuff seemed missing) and What Happened Miss Simone (liked! learned a lot here too).

2. Collect the rest of the state quarters I am missing (I am missing Hawaii, Nebraska, Michigan, and Iowa) - COMPLETE

PROGRESS A friend of mine send me Hawaii, Michigan, and Iowa, and then someone at work serendipitously found the Nebraska quarter a few days later. 

3. Watch these 12 films : The Darjeeling Limited, Wild, Trainspotting, Equity, Carol, Absolutely Fabulous The Movie, 8 1/2, Songs My Brothers Taught Me, Diary of a Teenage Girl, Day for Night, The Fits, Brief Encounter 

PROGRESS: Absolutely Fabulous finally became available for digital rental!

4. Read these 4 feminist reads: To the Lighthouse, The Feminine Mystique, The Beauty Myth, Americanah

No Progress

5. Read 3 of these books that I own or have started reading: Shrill, We Were Feminist Once, Savage Grace, Anna Karenina, Lean In

No Progress

6. Visit Lambert Castle in Paterson, NJ

No Progress

7. Get my passport

No Progress

8. Get involved in local alumni film festival or environmental film festival

TINY PROGRESS:  I was emailing back and forth with a film festival and was about to meet with them, when I realized they had confused me with someone else.  Once I cleared that up, they stopped being so responsive.  So who know what will come of this.

9. Finish off another student loan COMPLETE

I only have one small loan left, so I want to pay that off this week.  I just need to find time to call them during business hours.

10. Start to learn to play the drums

No Progress

11. Complete a serious outline for a screenplay

No Progress

12. Write a song

No Progress

13. Move  COMPLETE 

14. Put together an anthology of my Grandmother's poems

No Progress 

15. Lose a bit of weight

TINY PROGRESS:  As of last week I had lost 4 lbs somehow even though I haven't been going to the gym.  I've been trying to cut out junk food as much as possible during Advent so maybe that had something to do with it.

16. Put together a collection of poems (30 poems, approx 2 new poems each month)

PROGRESS:  I have added a new poem or two, and have still be editing the old ones and trying to arrange them in some sort of order.  A friend has agreed to help me format them to make a book or printed copy of some kind so I'm hoping to get something together in the next few weeks.

17. Learn to use a sewing machine

No Progress

18. Go to see the Lion King on Broadway

No Progress

19. Get a new doctor

No Progress

20. Keep blogging & try to write for a new blog

No Progress - even more behind now!

21. Produce a short film (either my own film or for someone else)

No Progress

22. Go on a date

No Progress

23. Get something tailored

No Progress

24. Start a short, daily journal

PROGRESS - I miss a day here or there but I've still be keeping up with this.

25. Write one of the articles/think pieces I've been contemplating (Snow White & the Huntsman, Bones, Pretty Little Liars, loud women)

No Progress - I've completely forgotten about this.  A bunch of my ideas seem a bit irrelevant in light of the state of the country, world, future.

26. Learn either InDesign or Photoshop from Adobe Creative Suite

TINY PROGRESS - I've got InDesign on my computer now.

27. Begin research & development for documentary project at work 

No Progress

28. Write fan letters to writers Fraser McAlpine and Brian Jay Jones

No Progress

Bonus Goals:
  • Practice changing a tire - No Progress
  • Start a scrapbook for life events - No Progress
  • Create postcards from friends' art or photos - No Progress
  • Write a draft of my practicum paper (not due until end of 2017) - PROGRESS - I wrote 15 pages for a class that might end up being part of my practicum paper.
Totals: Progress on 8/26 goals, 1/4 Bonus goals.

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