Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Music this week: Last last Month! So much!

In December and January I got a whole bunch of new song/albums but I never got around to sharing them.  I want to catch up a bit here.  I've already posted about Nashville (the new tv show, not the Altman movie from the 70s) soundtrack and Walk the Moon so even though I got some new songs from them and listened to them a lot, I'll otherwise skip them.

So here it goes!  Hope you are ready.

1.  'Dotted Lines' by Sweet Talk Radio

I heard this song on Haven (tv show) and looked up the band.  They have some good stuff and remind me a little of Kate Rusby, but maybe a little more indie poprock and less full-on folk.  I also am a big fan of Cannonball, Labor of Love, and Broken Things.  Got some good lyrics and contemplative vibe.

2.  'Men of Erin' - the Elders

My sister sent me song after hearing a local men's choir perform it.  It is an incredibly beautiful song, with a peculiar combination of sadness, inspiration and strength (at least that's what I get out of it).  The Elders (an Irish-American band from Missouri by the way) are also a lively band.  I especially like Dig Me a Hole and American Wake.  (Ok stuff is still a bit sad, but hey the Irish have a lot of less-than-happpy material to work from).

3. 'Electric Daisy Violin' - Lindsey Stirling

This girl dances and plays the violin really well at the same time.  It's pretty impressive and the music is super enjoyable.  Her covers are also really fun.  Check out her cover of Rihanna's We Found Love (sooooo much better than the original) and her Phantom of the Opera medley.

Also she just did a Mission Impossible duet with The Piano Guys, which is pretty cool.

Speaking of The Piano Guys . . .

4.  'What Makes You Beautiful' - The Piano Guys

This video has been making its rounds on the web lately.  I was amazed that they could turn such a cookie-cutter pop song into something that ended up sounding really beautiful and uplifting (plus the fact that they were doing this with only one instrument, yeah, that too).

They have a lot of other awesome songs, covers, and mash-ups.  One I've been listening to a lot lately is Peponi/Paradise.

And speaking of Paradise . . .

5.  'Life in Technicolor' and 'Princess of China' - Coldplay

For a long time I have been wanting to listen to Coldplay's Viva La Vida.  I finally bought it a couple months ago, and I actually really like it.  I've been kinda afraid to say this because I know that cool people do not like Coldplay, but in the words of David Tennant:  I don't care what anyone says, I like Coldplay.

I really like the entire album quite a bit, but 'Life in Technicolor' just really gets to me.

So since I so enjoyed Viva La Vida, and I'd also heard and liked Paradise, I also bought Mylo Xyloto.  I quite like it too.  Not as much as Viva La Vida, there are a few songs that are just boring to me.  But I enjoy the ones that everyone else likes, especially 'Us Against the World,' 'Every Teardrop is a Waterfall' (despite the cheesy name) and 'Princess of China' --- which is probably the only Rihanna song I have/ever will like (although why is it called Princess of China? seems a bit colonial).

6. 'All that I am' - Rob Thomas

 I bought his album Something to be mostly because I really like 'This is How a Heart Breaks' and I'd heard and been impressed by 'Now Comes the Night.' I didn't become a raving fan of most of the other songs on the album, except 'All that I am' which is mesmerizing.

7.  'Silver Wings' - Garrett Hedlund from Country Strong

Finally, I think all that Nashville music got me back in a country mood.  I love singing this in the car.

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