Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Final Report: Week 48 of Year 26

Overall, I feel like I didn't accomplish as much as I should have.  It seems like (as with the year before) I ignored my goals during about half the year (late winter & spring).  Looking back it's incredible that I didn't do some of these things.  It is amazing how much I let fear and avoidance of hard work or difficulty get in my way.  I don't want to live like that.  I will fight on to overcome these things, as I'm sure all of us do and will continue to do. 

But as much as I see the distances I didn't travel,  I definitely wouldn't have traveled as far if I hadn't set these goals!  And this new year is another year to try to do better and do more!

Here is one final tally of what I think accomplished:

1.  Get a new job and move. - NOT ACCOMPLISHED
Still need to do: Application to PR program - I got approval to take these courses.  All I have to do is set aside an hour or two to do the application.

2.  Make my own postcards. - NOT ACCOMPLISHED

3.  Write a script - NOT ACCOMPLISHED

4. Publish a poem - NOT ACCOMPLISHED

5. Track my spending/budget - COMPLETED
I was able to set up a budget (with some help and advice) and with this information I now know more about my spending habits and can make more conscious choices of how to spend and save my money!

6. Apply for a passport - NOT ACCOMPLISHED

7.  Get new glasses **COMPLETED WEEK 8**

8.  Visit Canada - NOT ACCOMPLISHED
While not accomplishing #6 definitely got in the way of traveling, so did other things.  Sometimes the timing does not work out for some travel plans.

9.  Alter two items of clothing for myself - NOT ACCOMPLISHED
I only half accomplished this.  I am super pleased with myself for learning to do a simple hem.  However I definitely had time also try something else.

10.  Get something tailored. - NOT ACCOMPLISHED

11.  Take a fitness class ** COMPLETED IN DECEMBER**

12.  Read at least 4 of these feminist books: **COMPLETED IN JULY**
Lean In, Reverence to Rape, A Room of One's Own, The Second Sex, The Beauty Myth, MaddAddam Series, The Feminine Mystique, Bad Feminist, Yes Please by Amy Poehler

13.  Organize something for Directed By Women.- COMPLETED
I had a lot of grand plans for this, and I didn't accomplish them.  But I DID organize something and I am excited for that screening to be a success whether it ends up being tiny or medium-sized.

STEP 7: Finalize the contract.
STEP 8:  Create any programs/poster for the screening.

14.  Write those think piece articles - NOT ACCOMPLISHED

15.  Buy a new laptop - NOT ACCOMPLISHED

16.  Keep to a blogging schedule - COMPLETED
Although I didn't always keep to my schedule, I definitely found my way towards an improved process.  I also set up and now completely manage a blog for work.  So I'm counting this as completed.

17.  Help a friend make her film a reality. - NOT ACCOMPLISHED
This project sort of got put on hold by the filmmaker.  I did work on the things I was asked to help with throughout the year.

18.  Start learning a little web design - NOT ACCOMPLISHED
I sort of forgot about this.  However, the little learning I did get in earlier in the year I am applying.  I have been able to troubleshoot a few minor issues on my work blog!

19.  Finish books I have already started: - NOT ACCOMPLISHED
Survival of the Prettiest, Ishmael/My Ishmael/Story of B, Ode Less Traveled, Anna Karenina, Contagious (by Jonah Berger), Jim Henson: The Biography

I didn't get through everything but I did get through a lot more than I would have if I hadn't made this list!  This almost feels like a complete win to me!

I finished My Ishmael BTW

20.  Organize a Clothing Swap or Yard Sale - COMPLETED

21.  Develop a financial plan for my loans - NOT ACCOMPLISHED
Although I did pay off one of my loans, I didn't not really develop a plan for it or for paying off the loan I want to pay off during this upcoming year.

22.  Enroll in new medical insurance plan **COMPLETED WEEK 7**

23.  Watch these 10 classic movies that I have never seen **COMPLETE**
Malcolm X, Blade Runner, Capote, The Virgin Suicides, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Strangers on a Train, Groundhog Day,  Rosemary's Baby, Young Frankenstein, Badlands

24.  Update a YouTube channel at work - COMPLETED

There is still much to be done, but the YouTube channel at work is so SUCH better shape than it was when I started.  Not only was I able to clean out lots of old content, but I opened up partnerships with a few other departments, cleaned up the appearance, and have the channel in shape to keep improving.

STEP 4:  Send follow-up email with marketing department delineating responsibilities.
STEP 5: Develop online log for all new videos that are uploaded.
STEP 6:  Follow up with partners on new playlist ideas I have. 

25.  Complete some family projects: - NOT ACCOMPLISHED
I'm glad I was able to pull together the scrapbook for our family reunion, but I wish I had been more proactive about the other two projects.  
  • help my sister make a scrapbook for our family reunion
  • help my mother create a wedding album for a cousin
  • create an anthology of  my grandmother's writing--- hopefully with some of her art and painting included.
26.  Private health-related goal. - NOT ACCOMPLISHED

FINAL Score:  Completed 10 of 26