Sunday, August 9, 2015

Progress Report: Week 47

Trying to see how much I can get in under the wire!  One more week to go!

1.  Get a new job and move. No progress.
STEP 4 Do application to PR program

2.  Make my own postcards. No progress
STEP 1: identify 5 photos I would like to use on the cards
STEP 3: decide on the size of the card
STEP 4: design the template for the back of the card
STEP 5: choose a printer or buy paper to print on my own

3.  Write a script No progress.

4. Publish a poem No progress
STEP 3: identify some places where I would like to submit a poem and qualify
STEP 4: select some poems for submission and fine tune them

5. Track my spending/budget **PROGRESS**
I finished tracking my expenses for April - July.  I should definitely not let them stack up that much!  It made getting through it all take a long time. 
STEP 9: Track my April expenses

STEP 10: Track my May expenses
STEP 11: Track my June expenses
STEP 12:  Track my July expenses

6. Apply for a passport No progress
STEP 3:  Figure out how much it will cost.
STEP 4:  Gather the forms and documents
STEP 5: Submit the paperwork.

7.  Get new glasses **COMPLETED WEEK 8**

8.  Visit Canada No progress
STEP 1:  Decide where I would like to visit (area around Lake Ontario, Niagara Falls maybe).
STEP 2:  Decide when I would like to visit and how long.
STEP 3:  Decide who I would like to come with me.
STEP 4:  Plan such an itinerary and route.

9.  Alter two items of clothing for myself  No Progress
STEP 4:  Chose another item to alter, preferably not a dress hemming.

10.  Get something tailored. No progress
STEP 1:  Identify some local tailors, their contact info, and advice from others as to the quality.
STEP 2:  Determine how much I am willing to spend.
STEP 3:  Select 2-3 things I would like to attempt to get altered.

11.  Take a fitness class ** COMPLETED IN DECEMBER**
I suppose this one is actually complete since I took multiple fitness classes starting in the fall!  Maybe next year I will step it up by taking a dance class!

12.  Read at least 4 of these feminist books: **COMPLETED IN JULY**
Lean In, Reverence to Rape, A Room of One's Own, The Second Sex, The Beauty Myth, MaddAddam Series, The Feminine Mystique, Bad Feminist, Yes Please by Amy Poehler

13.  Organize something for Directed By Women.**PROGRESS**
I have successfully booked a screening of a friend's film for September 9th.  I have to write up information about the event for use in publicity and finalize some details with the venue!

There is another film I'd also like to arrange a screening for, but I haven't worked on that yet.

STEP 3: Choose a venue for one film.
STEP 4: Solicit support and interest in other film to see if we can organize a screening.
STEP 5: Write up information about film for publicity.
STEP 7: Finalize the contract.
STEP 8:  Create any programs/handouts for the screening.

14.  Write those think piece articles No progress.
STEP 1:  Outline what I would like to say about one of my article ideas.
STEP 2:  Do the relevant research.
STEP 3:  Write a first draft.

15.  Buy a new laptop No progress.
I really really want to do this before mid Aug!!  Maybe I can do this during the wek.

STEP 1: Identify the main things I will need my laptop to do.
STEP 2: Work out what the specifications are for what I want.
STEP 3:  Investigate the price range available for what I want.
STEP 4:  Modify expectations or price range.
STEP 5:  Choose a vendor.

16.  Keep to a blogging schedule **PROGRESS**
I haven't been doing that well on this blog, mostly because I am not sure what I am doing with this one--- but that might be ok.  I've written several other posts for my other blog so successfully kept my schedule for that post--- and I have two most posts I'm working on for this month.  I've also been doing well managing a blog for work.  I'm more an editor for that, and I don't write too much for it, but I have the content pretty much scheduled and reviewed for the next two months--- and I've started writing a post for that blog.  I enjoy writing so it is important to try to fit it in.

17.  Help a friend make her film a reality. No Progress
I did more digging for funding sources.

18.  Start learning a little web design No progress
STEP 2:  Finish my Make a Website lesson on Code Academy.
STEP 3: Complete the HTML/CSS lesson on Code Academy.

19.  Finish books I have already started: **PROGRESS**
Survival of the Prettiest, Ishmael/My Ishmael/Story of B, Ode Less Traveled, Anna Karenina, Contagious (by Jonah Berger), Jim Henson: The Biography

I finished Survival of the Prettiest FINALLY!  The book definitely had some good information, but I thought it was a little surface value in terms of helping us take action with understanding both the evolutionary/biological facets of beauty and the economic/social aspects.  The most interesting chapter to me was her discussion of fashion which was less 100% scientific but more applied and more of a discussion.  I don't think the book pretended to be something it wasn't, but I felt a little disappointed in it.  I think it will be good to finish The Beauty Myth now as they are related, and Survival of the Prettiest takes some simplistic (IMHO) digs at the Beauty Myth.

I'm also trying to see if I can finish My Ishmael before the end of the week!

STEP 1:  Finish Contagious
STEP 2:  Finish Ishmael
STEP 3:  Finish Flappers 
STEP 4:  Finish Survival of the Prettiest
STEP 5:  Read My Ishmael

20.  Organize a Clothing Swap or Yard Sale **PROGRESS**
I have organized a small clothing swap with some friends for Aug 14th! 

STEP 2: Revisit the idea and perhaps plan something for Aug
STEP 3:  Choose a place.
STEP 4:  Invite people?
STEP 5:  Gather clothes & attend!

21.  Develop a financial plan for my loans
I've decided that I want to try to pay off one of my other loans by the end of next year.  I still have the review the paperwork and develop a plan.

STEP 3:  Get pay off figures and process from one loan.
STEP 4:  Revisit paperwork for other loans.
STEP 5:  Develop payment plan for the timeline I would like.

22.  Enroll in new medical insurance plan **COMPLETED WEEK 7**

23.  Watch these 10 classic movies that I have never seen **COMPLETE**
I watched Malcolm X.  Didn't really like it as much as I thought I would.  I thought I would find it more educational and engrossing but I didn't--- not that it was a bad movie though!  I guess I was a little distracted by how terrible a lot of the characters were towards women.

I also figured out that there is another library that has Badlands, so I checked that out!  I watched it this weekend too.  While its was very 70s, I love observing Terence Malik's visuals and I enjoyed it.

Malcolm X, Blade Runner, Capote, The Virgin Suicides, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Strangers on a Train, Groundhog Day,  Rosemary's Baby, Young Frankenstein, Badlands

STEP 7: Finish watching Malcolm X.
STEP 8: Find a copy of Badlands
STEP 9: Watch Badlands

24.  Update a YouTube channel at work No progress
STEP 1:  Get advice from the marketing department, especially regarding partnership and SEO.
STEP 1a:  Discuss my plans with my boss.
STEP 2:  Develop plan for eliminating bad content.
STEP 3: Develop timeline for eliminating bad content.
STEP 4:  Send follow-up email with marketing department delineating responsibilities.
STEP 5: Develop online log for all new videos that are uploaded.
STEP 6:  Follow up with partners on new playlist ideas I have. 

25.  Complete some family projects: **PROGRESS**
I followed up with my aunts and they are sending me stuff to complete my pool of documents for my grandmother's writing.  We figured out I'm still missing a batch, but we've tracked it down and someone is send me copies.
  • help my sister make a scrapbook for our family reunion
  • help my mother create a wedding album for a cousin
  • create an anthology of  my grandmother's writing--- hopefully with some of her art and painting included.
STEP 1:  Look through the wedding photos.
STEP 2:  Do some research on what typically goes into a wedding album.
STEP 3:  Talk to my mom about what she wants for the wedding album.

STEP 6:  Call my aunt about the writing that she has gathered from my grandmother.
STEP 7:  Follow up with aunts to get writing copies. 
STEP 8:  Follow up with remaining aunt.
STEP 9:  Sort through all the documents once I get them

26.  Private health-related goal. No Progress

Score:  Progress on 7 of 22 goals.

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