Friday, March 1, 2013

Progress Report: start of March

I've been mentally tabulating my achievements all week so I thought even if it's a little soon after my last report in February, I would sum up some of my progress now so I don't forget anything.  (Last report I forgot to mention under #15 that I had read American Gods by Neil Gaiman.  If you want to know what I thought, I was a little surprised to find that I kind of hated it.)

So I'm just going to skip over the ones that really haven't gotten anywhere so this doesn't get as length as usual.

2. Job -  I've sort of been slowly sneaking back into this, doing some small searches once a week about.  I've also been working on developing stuff at work that will challenge me and hopefully give me some skills or interesting projects.

4. Writing - I've maybe been writing a little bit more consistently than usual because I've been trying to get myself to write something everyday for Lent--- this could be letters, blog posts, poems, or actual real writing.

One of my problems is that I have lots of ideas and I get confused about which idea I should work on consistently, or which one isn't working and maybe needs to go sit in a corner by itself for a couple months--- maybe forever.

I also want to develop more stamina to just keep powering through an idea and being more focuses on ways to solve the problems.  I tend to hit a block and just give up or start working on something else.


7. Photography - I signed up for a photography workshop through my work!  I might break out my dad's camera and practice a little this weekend in preparation.

8.  Photoshop - I actually went to a workshop on basic photoshop today!  We went through many things and nothing was too difficult, but I think it was really helpful and less intimidating to have an actual human in the room teaching and walking us from the really basic stuff to the more tricky stuff in a structured manner.

9. Exercise - This is still going fine.  I've had some (very mild) weird ankle/knee pain lately and not been feeling super well so I've taken the intensity down.  I also really really really need to get new shoes.  I'm 99.9% sure this is why I'm having pain because my shoes are SUPER old.  So the plan is to make myself get new shoes sometime in the upcoming week.

I've started doing some arm strengthening things so that I don't get tired out when I lugging around equipment for work.

Also, I've been consciously not eating junk food more often.

10.  Writing routine - Like I said above in #4, I've been trying and sometimes failing to write everyday.  However I'm often doing this late at night either when I've found the time, or after I've procrastinated all evening.  But I've found writing late at night is somewhat problematic because I can be really tired, and it's hard to concentrate or deal with getting stuck successfully just because I don't have the brainpower available at that hour.  So got to figure out something else and give that a try.

13.  Poems - I've written one poem  and thrown down some bits and pieces maybe for some others.

16.  Journal of cool things - I really TRIED to work on this.  I got some scrapbooks and things that I really like to use as a medium in which to archive and journal my stuff but I wanted to print out some photos to include.  So I went and got photo ink for my printer and photo paper, but my printer FAILS at printing photos.  It refuses to feed the paper all the way through the machine and then prints the photo on the inside of the printer.  SO FRUSTRATING.  I literally lost an entire afternoon to this and accomplished nothing.  I might need someone to help me out to figure out if I'm doing something wrong or if my printer is just a jerk.

23.  Creative organization - I've been trying out few things.  I haven't really settled into something yet but I feel like I am getting there.



  1. Did you ever get to the ironing? I meant to do it with you last time you visited but forgot. Maybe we should set an ironing date for spring break. :)
