Monday, October 21, 2013

Progress Report: October

1.  Read Lean In, The Beauty Myth, Survival of the Prettiest, A Handmaid's Tale, and Gone Girl

I have definitely made progress in this area, in that I have started reading both The Beauty Myth and Survival of the Prettiest.  However since my Book Update from Oct 1, I haven't made it much further in either of these books (though I'm about a chapter further in Survival).  I need to get back on track.  I have been a bit distracted by magazines I'm trying to finish reading, my new biography of Jim Henson (!!!), and fall television.

2.  Finish reading Anna Karenina and Howards End.
I officially purchased a used copy of Howards End at the Princeton Public Library book sale for $2.

3.  Learn some basic sewing and alteration.
No progress.

4.  Since we are on the subject of sewing  . . . Go to a tailor.
Although I haven't made any real progress on this, I have thought about it a lot recently.  I was hoping a cousin of mine would be interested in doing some alterations for me, but that doesn't look like it is going to work out.  So I will be asking for tailor recommendations soon!

5.  Get new glasses.
No progress, but again, been thinking about it recently.
6. Learn how to do make-up.  Specifically eye shadow.
No progress.  Tried some purple mascara recently though.  Utterly disappointing.  Not purple at all.

7.  Keep a style diary.
I actually started this!  It was not that hard once I got started, and has helped me reduce how many magazine clippings I have scattered about.  I've been planning on getting some photos up of my style journal, so hopefully soon!

8.  Try selling clothes online.
As I announced here, I actually created a closet on Poshmark.  It is fun!  I still have a lot more clothes to get up . . . but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get good photos since you have to do your listing through your phone (and how to post photos of the clothes I don't fit in anymore!)

But I have successfully sold two pairs of shoes (and two purses to my sister , so that kind of doesn't count).

9.  Make my own postcards.
No progress here yet!

10.  Use Photoshop.
No progress here yet!  Am trying to figure out how to get access to photoshop.  I'm not against subscribing, but I think I would need to get a new laptop first.

11.  Take and edit more photos.
I've take some more photos but my laptop won't recognize my (dad's) camera so it is a bit of a hassle to get them downloaded.  I HAVE got some photo editing apps on my phone now though, so I'm having a bit more fun taking photos on my phone.  I even started an instagram account.

12.  Finish my poetry collection.
Sadly no progress here!  I've been having some writers block, and I've been really tired lately so it has been hard to force myself to write.

13.  Find a writing support group.
Not much progress here.  I've been working on a new blog project with some other writers, but I'm a little apprehensive about whether it will really be a fruitful project.  I also started working with one of my sisters on a story idea I've been stuck on, but that's been on hold for a couple weeks because ??? fall tv probably.

14.  Write a screenplay.
No progress.

15.  Make a short film.
No progress.  I've been hoping to get my camcorder out and play around with it a bit.  It is not a good camera, but whatever, it functions.

16.  Start mastering blogging.
One of the big challenges to blogging is posting regularly.  I was on a role with this blog for most of September, and I was really enjoying it.  I sort of fell off the wagon in October, probably due to a bit of burn-out at work and feeling a bit blue lately.  I've also been reading a bit more about blogging, and I really want to learn some of the more technical skills you need to do a little more design and have a little more control.

And like I said earlier, I've been working on another blog idea with some other collaborators.

17.  Help make scrapbook for family reunion.
I've worked on this a tiny bit.  But I need to buckle down this weekend and do some more planing.

18.  Volunteer for something.
No progress.

19. Change a tire.
No progress.  I've learned to use our new electric air pump to inflate my tires though! (It is not hard.)

20. Go to film festivals.
I actually got tickets to the NY Film Fest and saw Only Lovers Left Alive with two friends.  It luckily was a really beautiful day to be in the city, and I really really liked the film.  I sort of did not know much about the film and did not have big expectations, so when it was really good, funny, and interesting I was really happy!  I might try to go to DOC NY but it will be a bit of a scheduling challenge.  And of course, I still plan on going to the Athena Film Festival! Fingers crossed!

21.  Develop some business skills.
No progress.

22.  Get a new computer.
No progress.  But have been grimly contemplating it recently for photoshop reasons.

23.  Collaborate on a creative project.
No progress.

24.  New job
I am going through another wave of disenchantment with my current job.  I actually did several job applications over the weekend, but I am keeping my expectations low.  Job searching is a really abusive, roller coaster experience for me:  I'm either super pumped and ready to conquer the world, or I find it really depressing and demoralizing.  Tonight I found it super demoralizing.

25. Get an apartment.
No progress.

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