Sunday, October 6, 2013

Shop My Closet!

I created my first online shop this weekend! You can now shop my closet at PoshMark!  (And have you noticed the Shop My Closet button on the side navigation?)

For a while now I have been culling my closet (a little bit)--- looking to get rid of those good-condition cute things that don't fit or don't match my style anymore or just are not ever getting to see the light of day!  I'm going to be selling some of my unique items and hopefully find them better homes!

I'm still getting a-hang of the site, but so far I'm finding it pretty easy to use.  I really like how similar it is to Etsy in terms of community and following other people whose style/size/pricing matches you.  I'm being a bit of a lurker and watching what other users are doing, and people are doing some pretty creative stuff--- from sharing images of things they are looking for to haggling deals and 'bundles' with each other.  It has a fun and friendly atmosphere.  PoshMark is a pretty new platform, but I quite like it!  I can't wait to see how it develops!

I know the main idea is for me to sell (not buy) things BUT within just an hour of being on the site, I actually found an item that I have been contemplating getting for $20 less than the normal asking price!  That's pretty exciting!

I have a bunch more actual clothing items to upload but since (so far as I can tell right now) listing is done mainly through the phone app (which has been fun to use, especially since I'm a bit of a smart-phone-idiot), and I can't figure out how to take good photos of myself on my phone (or normal camera, for that matter!).  And I feel a bit silly making my Dad do it, although he helped me with a couple shots so far.  I think I'm going to have to get a girlfriend or my sister to help me one afternoon.  Also some of the clothes are too small, so I need someone skinnier to model them!

But it was really fun working on the shop this weekend!  I hope you guys check it out, check back, and share with any of your similarly-sized (to me) friends!

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