Sunday, July 17, 2011

Anecdote: Coconut Saga

So Saturday I was making a fruit platter for a barbecue. Thought I'd be creative and include some coconut.

Purchased said coconut, bring it home only to remember I know nothing about how to crack a coconut.

Watched a video about how to crack a coconut. It was a bit insane. Involved an oven. Decided I'd skip that bit.

Carefully poke a hole in the coconut to drain the water. No water. Hmmmm. Shake it around a bit, give it a few punches. Still no water. Worry about this for little bit, then decided who cares, I'm not here for the water anyway.

Begin tapping the "equator" of the coconut with a hammer as instructed by the interweb. Do this for several minutes. No progress.

More tapping. No improvement.

Dad suggests I hit it harder. I explain to him that the internet warned me not to strike it too hard.

Dad ignores me and give the coconut a big wallop with the hammer and the shell cracks beautifully in half.
I spent several minutes prodding the coconut with a knife and spoon trying to get the half of the meat still in the shell out.

Dad gives it another wack and out it pops.
We both feel pretty great for accomplishing such a great feat.

Then, the coconut tastes TERRIBLE and I decide not to include it in the fruit platter after all.

The end.


  1. hahahahahaha. I'm sorry. I was expecting you to say it tasted terrible. And you did.

  2. You should have asked me to help. I am very experienced with cracking open coconuts. Plus I have a machete.
