Friday, September 13, 2013

25 Things Before 26

I turned 25 this summer.  Here is my list of goals for the next year.  A lot of them are the same as last year!  Hopefully I can do better at remaining focused and accomplish more this year.

1.  Read these books:  Lean In, The Beauty Myth, Survival of the Prettiest, A Handmaid's Tale, and Gone Girl

I need to read these books.  It is ridiculous that I haven't read The Beauty Myth or A Handmaid's Tale.  I really should read Lean In and Survival of the Prettiest.  Gone Girl I just want to read.  I need to make a point of accomplishing this.  Five books in a year?  I should be able to do that.

2.  Since we are on the subject of reading . . . Finish reading Anna Karenina and Howards End.

I started reading these several years ago and I have always been meaning to finish.  Time to get with it!  Also I've been avoiding watching the movie until I finished Howards End.  No spoilers!

3.  Learn some basic sewing and alteration.

I want to be able to repair and alter my clothes.  My clothes will fit better and last longer.  If anyone knows of any good classes, let me know!

4.  Since we are on the subject of sewing  . . . Go to a tailor.

I have several cute items that I need to get tailored to fit me better.  Some stuff is more complicated that I can probably handle once I just learn the basics, and it is silly to have a pile of stuff that I can't wear because I'm too lazy to find a tailor and pay for the alterations.

5.  Get new glasses.

I got my new prescription just have not actually chosen and purchased the new glasses.  I really need new glasses.  I haven't updated my prescription since 1999 according to my doctor.  It would be really useful to be able to see when I can't wear my contacts.  So I have a year to get my act together and actually get some some new glasses.

6.  Since we are on the subject of my face . . . Learn how to do make-up.  Specifically eye shadow.

Finding the right combination of products and techniques for your face and skin is a freaking hellacious undertaking.  I still don't understand how to use eye shadow without making myself look terrible/comical.  I'd like to be less afraid of this stuff and to have a better grasp of it.

7.  Keep a style diary.

I think this would be fun.  I would like to look back and see what fashion trends, colors, styles etc. I was interested and wanted to try.  And it would help me organize all my magazine clippings.

8.  Try selling clothes online.

I have some good quality and fun clothes that I would like to sell--- they don't fit me anymore or don't fit into my style anymore or are not being worn enough so they need to make room in the closet for things that are being worn.  I consigned some things with a local thrift store this summer, which was cool, but I would like to try selling online just to see what it is like.  I am having trouble deciding what platform to use.  I like the style of etsy (but I don't have handmade or vintage items).  Ebay is overwhelming.  I'm thinking of checking out poshmark.

9.  Make my own postcards.

I love postcards.  I love sending mail, and postcards a fast and cheap way of doing this.  Plus they have cool images and are great mementos and decorations.  I would like to make some out of my photographs, and I would like to design some.  I do not know if I want to print them myself (probably would require me getting a new/additional printer) or get them printed, but I would like to learn about the different papers and parameters.

10.  Use Photoshop.

I would like to use Photoshop on a more regular basis so I really become able to use it.  It will come in handy editing photos, designing my postcards, and I even have an idea for a sticker set.

11.  Take and edit more photos.

I want to practice photography more so I get better at composition and more comfortable with the technical side of image capture and light.  I also want to complete the process by doing a bit of editing.

12.  Finish my poetry collection.

I have not taken stock lately, but I probably only have a handful of solid poems.  I would like to get a good collection complete (15-30 poems).  This probably requires writing double that many poems and then picking and developing the best.

13.  Find a writing support group.

It is really hard to write and improve and get perspective on your writing when you are writing in a vacuum.  I want to find a group of people with whom I can get advice, workshop pieces, and get/give notes to revitalize and develop my process.  This can be a physical group of people that I meet, a class, or a group of people I communicate with online.

14.  Write a screenplay.

I would like to get myself through a screenplay.  It can be a short film, but I would really like to get a solid screenplay under my belt.

15.  Make a short film.

It can be bad, it can be experimental, it can fall short of expectations, but I really need to practice putting a film together and developing a vision.  I'm keeping the expectations low so that I am more likely to get it done.

16.  Start mastering blogging.

I think I discovered that I am really interested in blogging.  I would like to learn more about the art of blogging and gain some more skills in this area.  I'd like to learn a little more of the technical stuff if I can, do more writing and editing, and develop some ideas I have.  I hope to try out some of the best practices on this blog.

17.  Help make scrapbook for family reunion.

I promised my sister I would help develop and make a scrapbook/yearbook for display at our next family reunion.  I have to remember to consistently work on this so that it gets done in a timely manner.

18.  Volunteer for something.

I am very passionate about social and environmental causes, but I haven't really got my hands dirty in a while.  I would really like to contribute in a more transient manner and interact with people who are on-the-ground doing this work.  I think I can manage to do this at least once in a whole year.

19. Change a tire.

I would like to do this once, under proper supervision, so that I know how to do.  When the time comes that I actually have to do this, it will be helpful to know that I have done it before.  It will also be empowering to learn more about how to maintain my car.

20. Go to film festivals.

I would really like to go to the Athena Film Festival this year.  They had a great selection last year but I was unable to go as I learned about it too late (and there was a blizzard).  I did catch one of their live-streamed panels though and it was great. I would love to check out the films this year and maybe network.  I also would like to go to festival to maintain an awareness of the independent film industry.  I would like to get tickets for the New York Film Festival but they are mostly sold out I think.  I would also like to go to a more local and small-scale festival.

21.  Develop some business skills.

I would like to feel more competent about business and money.  I would like to get a more solid knowledge of personal finance and basic business/marketing concepts, and possibly learn Movie Magic Budgeting or Scheduling.

22.  Get a new computer.

There are a lot of things I would like to do this year that will require a good and reliable computer.  My computer is rather old and not in great shape.  I really need to invest in a new one and spend the time figuring out what features I will need and what budget I have.  I also need to clean out my old computer and figure out what to do with it.

23.  Collaborate on a creative project.

I would like to keep working with other creative people.  Last year, I worked on a friend's feature film and it was a great experience.  I would like to do this again, hopefully working with others on another film or writing project.

24.  New job

I am ready to move on from my current job.  I would like to find a new place to work with a creative team where I can both contribute and learn a lot.

25. Get an apartment.

(In conjunction with the new job) I am at a point in my life where I really feel like I need my own space that is under my control.

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