Friday, September 27, 2013

TWLOHA & the Six Words Twitter Fest

I saw an update from TWLOHA on facebook yesterday.

On Twitter they were asking people to fill in the rest of a statement in six words (in participation with the Six Word Twitter Fest which had something to do with Six Word Memoirs).  I'm not sure why they were participating in this, but I always try to pay attention to TWLOHA because they are so positive and occasionally slam you with something profound and beautiful.

The statement they were asking people to fill in was this:  "I'm better today than yesterday because . . ."

This really made me stop and think.  I'm rather not-content with where I am in my life and what I'm doing currently.  I often think about my daily life as a sort of waiting period until something better comes along.  I'm not going to get into all the problems with thinking about your life like that right now, but I will say it doesn't really afford me the opportunity to really appreciate everything I do get to do and experience from day to day.

Thinking about how I would respond to this statement--- verbosely or succinctly--- was a challenge!  My gut reaction was to think "I'm not any better today than I was yesterday,"  but the amazing thing about TWLOHA is that through their quiet, loving support, they challenge you to at least consider thinking about your life and attitudes from a new perspective.   Their phrase yesterday put a new spin on the old "think of one positive thing from your day" exercise, that really gave me pause and tricking me into taking stock of my life and my attitudes.

This hasn't completely revolutionized my life or made me make all sorts of decisions about getting my act together, but it is making me think some more about why I'm not content and what I can do about it.

I don't have a twitter account, but as for my six words, so far I've come up with this . . .

I'm better today than yesterday because:  I still loved a bit more.

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